The State of Georgia:
Hidden Secret;
The State of Georgia has a partnership with the crimial in the drug trade.They have drugs that are in the State Capital of Georgia,the State Building where the Correctional Department is and also in the homes where Coffee County prison is. And they moved the drug that was in Coffee County Prison in November 7, 2002.They are the one that are putting drugs in the black neighborhoods of this State and wanting to open new prisons for young black drug dealers.That is the reason they wanted the public to build new prisons in the seventy but the public refused and that is how the private prisons got in.They fooled the public that it would save them money.But it only cost the public more because all private citizen did was build the prison and the private prison industry is making the money that the public pays to house inmate.Seventy dollars per inmate,per day. And there are about twenty-six prisons in Georgia that house fifteen hundred inmates each,not counting Jackson and Reidsville they house about five thousand each . They don't need federal funds at all.They are making a profit off of tax payers money and it's costing the public more because it don't come back to the State when it's private.I can't even go to a doctor if I am ill because I don't have a medical insurance and have a heart problem and the TV station WSAV 3 have the records from the State doctor.I can"t get dental help because I tried at J.C. Lewis when I was at Grace House and they couldn't do anything because they couldn't find a record.The TV station also have a copy of my Cholesterol pill card , the card my pill came on when I was in prison with the doctor's name on it.I can't get nothing they are conspiring against my life because of their crime.I am not a felon and never was.I have a copy of my cholestrol chart given to me by the prison doctor so that I can start back when I got in the street. Because they knew I didnt have a record. I never got any money from any government other than foodstamps and still haven't gotten any yet.And you want to know why so many robberies are going on in Savannah,this is all over town.
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