Wednesday, October 31, 2007


You can comment about anything said on this web. Or tell Washington just what is going on with you because of the State of Georgia being in trouble.This website is being automatically E-mail to the President George W.Bush and always has been.
Please feel free to comment.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


The State of Georgia is blocking me from getting a lawyer as they have been since this started.The lawyer's name is The Bowman Law Office on Waters Ave .I had E-mailed him since October 19,2007. I was giving him sometime to read my website but he has never called.I offered him two billion dollars just to get my money from Bank of America and my system from the State of Georgia.This is how the original e-mail read.


I would like for you to read my website I have been violated by the State of Georgia and the federal government. I can't get them to respond to my letters for over eight years. They are violating my rights and the money is in Atlanta's Bank of America bank.I need a lawyer to help me get it.It's two billion dollars that you can make the bank will verify it.

Monday, October 29, 2007


For every man woman,boy and girl.

The Bible;Proverbs 9:10-12

10.The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,
And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.
11.For by me your days will be added to you.
12.If you are wise,you are wise for yourself,
And if you scoff,you alone will bear it.

Qur'an; Surah 22:54-55

54.And that those on whom knowledge has been bestowed
may learn that the (qur'an is the Truth from thy Lord,
And that they may believe therein, and their hearts
may be made humbly (open) to it: for verily G-D is
The Guide of those who believe,to the Straight Way.
55.Those who reject Faith will not cease to be in doubt
concerning (Revelation) until the Hour (of Judgement )
comes suddenly upon them, or there comes to them
The Penalty of a Day of Disaster.

The Bible; Jeremiah 17:5-10

5.Thus says the Lord,
"Cursed is the man who trust in mankind
And makes flesh his strenght,And whose
heart turns away from the Lord.
6."For he will be like a bush in the desert
And will not see when prosperity comes,
But will live in stony wastes in the wilderness,
A land of salt without inhabitant.
7."Blessed is the man who trust in the Lord.
And whose trust is the Lord.
8."For he will be like a tree planted by
the water, that extends its root by a stream
And will not fear when the heat comes;
But its leaves will be green, and it will not
be anxious in years of drought nor cease to
yield fruit.
9."The heart is more deceitful than all else
And is desperately sick;
Who can understand it?
10."I,the Lord, seach the heart,I test the mind;
Even to give to each man according to his ways,
According to the results of his deeds.

Qur'an Surah 39:22-23

22. Is one whose heart G-D has open to Islam,
So that he has received enlightenment from G-D,
(No better than one hardhearted)? Woe to those
whose hearts are harden against celebrating
The praises of G-D they are manifestly wandering
(In error)!
23.G-D has revealed (from time to time)
The most beautiful Message in the form of a Book,
Consistent with itself,( yet ) repeating ( its teaching
In various aspects ):
The skins of those who fear their Lord tremble
Thereat: then their skin and their hearts do soften
To the celebration of G-D's praises. Such is the
Guidance of G-D: He guides therewith whom He
pleases, but such as G-D leaves to stray, Can have
none to guide.

The Bible; Ephesians 5:6-13

6.Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because
of these things the wrath of G-D comes upon the sons
of disobedience.
7.Therefore do not be partakers with them;
8.for you were formerly darkness,but now you are Light
in the Lord; walk as children of Light
9.(for the fruit of the Light consists in all goodness
and righteousness and truth),
10.trying to learn what is pleasing to the Lord.
11.Do not participate in unfruitful deeds of
darkness, but instead even expose them;
12.for it is disgraceful even to speak of the things
which are done by them in secret.
13.But allthings become visible when they are exposed
by the light,for everything that becomes visible
is light.

The prophets were given books so that they could teach the people the word of G-D and how to use the teaching in their everyday life so that they would be able to guard against evil.And what the people was to do is follow the teachings of the book and follow the practice of the prophet so that you would know how to proform the teachings.If you don't know how to make prayer how can you proform it?It was never meant for man to worship man.Jeremiah 17:5 Thus says the Lord,"Cursed is the man who trust in mankind and makes flesh his strenght,And whose heart turns away from the Lord.
They were not to worship man or graven images.For all are sons and daughters of G-D male and female.Not in a sense of birth but in a sense that He molded you into shape
useing wind and water and breathe into you the spirit of Himself to give you life. And right now today every living thing breathe that breath of air which gives them life.Until the time comes and that breath of air leaves the body,(that spirit).So as sons and daughters of G-D we are a lesser g-d. As your son or daughter is a lesser image of yourself.

The Bible; Exodus 20:3

3."You shall have no other gods before Me.

Understanding The Best Thing
In The World

"Hate has no brains and Ignorance don't think"

Cher Love and Undrestanding

Saturday, October 27, 2007



Friday, October 26, 2007


WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/ The video they don't want you to see on my web profile on blackplanet is entitled "A white mans heaven is a black mans hell".

Thursday, October 25, 2007



We must not let what they want us to believe about ourselves stop us from voting for ourself.They want us to believe that we are not ready for to be President of The United States of America. The question is are they ready for us?If left up to them we never would be.Like they are the only ones who can do the job.You know we should be tried of being the last ones hired and the first ones fired.We can make a difference but first we must want change.The time has come to claim our own. don't start now the hate will never stop.Take a look around can't you see what they are doing to us? And they are doing it because they are in power.Let us let them know that,that kind of rule is over we are not going to take it anymore. That they can do as they please to black people attitude is over.And we sure as hell are not going to let history repeat it's self with us.We have been there and suffered that for the last time.They don't like us and we are not begging them too.And they have come out of the closet to prove it with they hate crimes against us.We are a peaceful people and they have alway had a hatred for us for no reason.So let us show them the power we possess.We had to show them back in the 60's when we stop the buses and closed their businesses.If they want to start something they pick the wrong people.We are not the (Blackvoices wouldn't let me write this word out but I'll write it out here).
Niggars (ignorant people that they intented us to be).Cause we don't hate people because of the color of their skin but we would have good reasons to hate because of the way they have treated us and yet we still don't.And they call us a niggar because we are black ,if niggar meant black than everything black would be called niggar.We don't hate but we will not hasitate to fight for our rights.So lets go to the polls and show them that we have the power to remove them and let them sit back and watch us for a long while.

IN 2008


Wednesday, October 24, 2007


The next weapon of mass murder.


Everything comes with instructions. THINK.
In order for things to operate without a problem you must follow the instructions given to you.If you don't you will eventually aways have a problem.Adam and Eve problem began when they was given instructions by G-D and the devil led them astray by telling them different.
It says in Bible Proverbs 8:33-36.
33."Heed instruction and be wise,
And do not neglect it.
34."Blessed is the man who listens to me,
Watching daily at my gates,
Waiting at my doorposts.
35."For he who fines me finds life
And obtain favor from the Lord.
36."But he who sins against me injures himself;
All those who hate me love death".

And Romans 15:4 says;
4.For whatever was written in earlier times
was written for our instruction, so that through
perseverance and encouragement of the Scriptures
we might have hope.

Qur'an says; Surah 4:116-121

In the name of G-d, the Beneficent,the Merciful.

116.Surely G-D forgives not setting up partners
with Him, and He forgives all besides this
to whom He pleases.and whoever sets up a
partner with G-D,he indeed goes far astray.
117.Besides Him they call on nothing but female
divinities and they call on nothing but rebellious
118.Whom G-d has cursed. And he said: Certainly I will
take of Thy servant an appointed portion;
119.And certainly I will lead them astray and excite in
them vain desires and bid them so that they will
slit the ear of cattle, and bid them so that they
will alter G-D's creation.And whoever takes the
devil for a friend, forsaking G-D, he indeed suffers
a manifest loss.
120.He(satan) promises them and excites vain desire in them. And
And the devil promises them only to deceive.
121.These -- their refuge is hell, and they will find no way of
escape from it.

The Bible John 12:47-50

47. If anyone hears My words and doesn't keep them,I do not
judge him;For I (Jesus)did not come to judge the world
but to save the world.
48.The one who rejects Me and doesn't accept My sayings has
this as his judge: the word I have spoken will judge him on
the last day.
49.For I have not spoken on My own,but the Father
Himself who sent Me has given Me a command as to what I
should speak.
50.I know that His command is eternal life.So the things
that I speak, I speak just as the Father has told Me.

So as you think of what the story of Adam and Eve is saying.It tells you that the devil led them astray by whispering suggestions to them.You know that is how the devil works.He has no power so he whisper to you suggestions it's up to you if you carry it out.
So the devil was in the garden and he whispered to the woman.

Psst;Come here. Yea you,over here.

Genesis 3:1-13

1.Now the serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field which
the Lord G-D had made.And he said to the woman,"Indeed,has G-D said,
'You shall not eat from any tree of the garden'?"
2.The woman said to the serpent,From the fruit of the garden we may
3.but from the fruit of the tree which is in the middle of the garden,
G-D has said,'You shall not eat from it or touch it, or you will die.'"
4.The serpent said to the woman,"You surely will not die.'"
5."For G-D knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened,
and you will be like G-D,knowing good and evil".

Now listen to that old sly devil.Don't he remind you of somebody?
Don't want you to do the right thing as you was told.
Listen to him,G-D don't want you to know what's going on,cause you'll
know what G-D know. Go a head eat.

6.When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was
a delight to the eyes,and that the tree was desirable to make one
wise,she took from it's fruit and eat; and she gave also to her husband
with her, and he eat.
7.Then the eyes of both of them were opened,and they knew that they was naked;
and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loin coverings.
8.They heard the sound of the Lord G-D walking in the garden in the cool
of the day,(What was it that they heard in the cool of the day that made
them know that it was G-D? The Wind. This is the Spirit of G-D that which you can not see. This can walk apond water. And the Face of G-D reflections apond the water is the SUN.)And the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord
G-D among the trees of the garden.
9.Then the Lord G-D called to the man,and said to him,Where are you?"
10.He said,"I heard the sound of You in the garden, and I was afraid
because I was naked;so I hid myself."
11.And He Said,"Who told you that you were naked?Have you eaten from the
tree of which I commanded you not to eat?"
12.The man said,"The woman whom You gave to be with me, she gave me from
the tree,and I eat."
13.Then the Lord G-D said to the woman,"What is this you have done?"
And the woman said, "The serpent deceived me, and I ate."

And after that books was given so that we would have instructions for living our life,so that we wouldn't listen to the devil. Because he was given the earth as his dwelling place for a time.

Mose was given The Torah (Old Testament)
David was given Psalms (Zabur)
Jesus was given The Gospel (New Testament) Injeel
And Muhammad (The Holy Qur'an)

Tuesday, October 23, 2007





Monday, October 22, 2007


Why are we paying property taxes when it don't benefit our property any?You can't get the City or the State to do nothing on your property for you.But they are coming on your private property and placing a citation on your vehicles telling you that you must get it running and get a up to date tag on it or they will remove it from your property.As long as your car is on your property you don't need a tag for it. You pay tags taxes on your car to have it in or on the street.And property taxes is suppose to cover the garbage pick-up and sewage.But they have itemize your bill making you pay for this separately and still collect property taxes for road maintenance and what ever else they can come up with to continue to make you pay.But if they was to be asked to come and cut your grass or fix the plumbing they can't do that.They will tell you that is private property you must call a contractor. Than why do they come on your property and place a citation on your car?It time we took notice.This is a plot to undermind the Mayor Dr. Otis Johnson.


Saturday, October 20, 2007


Let us start a chat on Create a profile than you will get access to the board.Click on the board and than click on general and the forum will come up.
On the other side you will see (explore all forums)click on that and find Savannah.
than look in the index where it say discussions in this forum and click on chat and your are in.

Thursday, October 18, 2007


Who do they think you are fooling?
People are working hard to pay the rent for they family. Some people are working two and three jobs just to keep food on the table.And than when you go to apply for foodstamps,they tell you that you make to much money.But you live in a house where the that you make too much money.But you live in a house where the rent is $400.00 dollars a month and you are not on section 8 because there is a waiting list that is about a year.And when come time they may review your case and tell you that you make to much money because they look at your money before your expenses are taken out.And your kids are having problem at school and they need to have a talk with you to see what together you can do to solve the problem.But much as you would like to you can't find the time because people on your job wants you to be there.And you can't risk it or loose your job and you need the money.So you try to talk to your kids at home but it not enough and they think that you don't have time for them and they end up listening to the people in the street.And you are trying to do the best that you can taking care of two are three kids on your own. Because you are a single parent and you don't have time even for leisure.And they say that the economy is doing fine. What the hell are they talking about? The dictionary gives this definition
for the word economy as: Economy- Frugal use of money;the regular operations of nature;due order of things;judicious management.This is politics a bunch of lies.Politic is a personal science ,a pack of lies,(look it up).Who do they think they are fooling?The rich can only tell you about the rich and the poor can only tell you about the poor.If you have never been there,how can you assume that you know?Hear-say is not permissible in court.

I Ain't Through With You Yet:

Kids are having kids and you want to stop that from happening through abortion , pills and imprisonment.That is the reason you give out all the life stopping time to us, this is genocide.Because the blacks out populate the whites around the world.But who's fault is that? You want to sit around and wait on that rich prince that may never come. And when he does come he don't want no kids so you settle for a dog because you want the money.What love got to do with it?The Bible says,
Genesis 9:7
7."As for you, be fruitful and multiply;
Populate the earth abundantly and multiply in it."
Kids having kids and you are forcing them to pay child support when they had to drop out of school just to help their mom foot the bills in the house.But even if they was to live on their own together and take care of there kids it takes to working people in a household to run a house today even for adults.
Let me see if I can do this mathematically for you.Take the average minimum wage today of $6.00 an hour. $6.00 x 8 hours aday = $48.00 aday x 40 hour aweek = $192.00 aweek before taxes. $192.00 x 4 weeks = $768.00 dollars a month before taxes. The average one bedroom house rent cost $400.00 a month. And than you have your utility bills to pay which is steady rising,phone bill, transportion,your clothes your kids clothes school supply and personal hygiene stuff. And you put a man on the street with nothing,but you can't commit a crime because we'll lock you up.That was your plan.
But back to the subject.And foodstamps you may get if they don't tell you that you make to much money.Where is it can you see it?You don't have a bank account you don't own nothing but a used car and you may never own a home for generations to come.And the polticans fault one another for what is going on.They can't see their own faults. But each time the next one thinks that they can do a better job.These are single parents trying to make it in a world that ain't so friendly.

I Ain't Through With You Yet:

And than you have those people that make $100.000.000 dollars or more a year.They are doing fine and are not in need of anything.I guess that is what they mean when they say,"the economy is doing fine".Yea right,as long as the money flows in their pocket.And than they retire and wait on social security and they 10K plan.I wander what the figure would be on a social security check for a person who has made a hundred thousand dollars or more a year all of their life. And they say that social security is going broke.What!Because of the baby boomers or because of those people who has made this kind of money and got plenty of money in the bank more than they could spend in their life time and still have plenty to Will and still yet they want more.They are just greedy and taking from the needy.And they think that they can do a better job. When? We haven't seen a better job done yet.Promises,promises that all we hear.Why make promises if you can't keep them. A man word is his bond.And the people that make that kind of money are mostly whitefolks. Do you see them living badly or in poverty? Just a handful,but they don't want you to have nothing.All the changes that has been going on in Savannah Ga. is the works and approval of Mayor Dr. Otis Johnson. But do you hear them give him credit for it?If bad was what he was doing it would be all over the TV, But when we do good it's kept quit.And this poverty thing they label it as a class of people, when in reality it's a color of people.You refuse to let black people move up in a job because they don't have a high school diploma. But Abraham Linclon was uneducated and was self taught and must have learned the presidency as he went a long.But I guess whites can do that ,On Their Face.

I Ain't Through With You Yet:

I guess some would say, How do he know so much about whitefolks?

Survey Says: The number one answer.
You have been teaching white history for a long time.

We Don't Need A Better Job Done
We Need Change

Vote Barack Obama

Tuesday, October 16, 2007



Monday, October 15, 2007


They think that they can do a better job. Hum!
What when they are the ones that put drugs on the street,and do all the high profile crimes in government?
Then blame minorities as being the worstest criminals.
Who do they think they are fooling?
If we could afford to put drugs on the streets,we wouldn't be living in poverty.
Get my drift?
They got their's, let us get our's
We don't need a government that is ran like their bigger brothers.
Cause we are making a difference even for their big brothers.
Don't be fooled,the buck stops here.


Dr.Mayor Otis Johnson

Tuesday, October 09, 2007


What you think they are going to say? When the State of Georgia is asked.Why is it that the man (being me) wasn't released in 1999 from Coffee County Prison after being paroled because the Glynn County court inwhich had sentenced him made a mistake?Because there was no proof presented to prove that I was under influence of anything to serve a five years sentence in prison in the first place.

What you think they are going to say?

And what do you think Glynn County court will have to say when asked? Why is it that they sentenced a man to eight years in prison,dropping three years but giving him five to do?After he had done signed a plea bargain, and his lawyer verified it to the DA that I had.So since the court was the one the paid my lawyer the DA reply was to my lawyer was,"that's irrelevant and proceeded a case against me? So on record which is transcripted I was given a jury trial with as the jury was the Judge,the DA himself and my probation officer when the plea bargain that I had already signed was my admittance to a guilty plea?

What you think they are going to say?

And what do you think they will have to say for keeping me in segregation for six months straight at Coffee County Prison and then three months more soon as I was transfered to Wheeler State Prison and then having the doctor come there from Coffee County Prison to make sure that I was still taking the pills that they was giving me at Coffee?In which I was being told that they was antidepressant medicine when I was also being given psychiatric medicine without my knowledge and diagnose by Augusta State Medical Hospital before I had left Coffee County Prison as not being a mental patient? And then once I got on the street try to tell people that I was a mental patient but denied me Social Sercurity four times knowing that I'm disable because of a heart problem?

What you think they are going to say?

What kind of answer do you think they would give if they was to be asked that with all truthfulness that they didn't know that I wasn't released from prison and he had wrote to the Parole Board,the Commissioner of the Department of Corrections and the Governor Roy Barnes telling his story? And in his letter he also told them of being tortured and that they had to have the invoices of the systems being used to do this because no one can own prison equipment and that yet today I am still being tortured. But I stopped talking about it because it wasn't and still isn't doing me any good. That why they try to say I'm a mental patient because they through they could make me one by doing this and I couldn't prove what was going on. And that the Commissioner himself came to see him when he was at Central State Prison and he asked him had he gotten out and came back or was his number changed , in which my reply was no to all of his questions? But never replied after recieving the letter from me and the whole Department of Correction all 130 of claimed to have all been fried and no one knew the reason why? Even the Governor left office Roy Barnes and everyone else was leaving as well, because they couldn't get me out after I had already been paroled in 1999 so they maxed me out on a bogus set back. But everyone is still enjoying there life while I suffering because of whitefolks crimes.

What you think they are going to say?

Do you think that they would admit to being wrong and deliberately maxing me out in which now they are doing the same thing to my son that is in prison? And they kep tme from having money in the prison system and now out,just so that they would know who I was writing too. And is doing the same thing to him because no one has heard from him since June of 2007 in which he is suppose to be at Rogers State Prison in Reidsville Ga. and the State or the Department of Corrections and the prison will not give any information about him.Do you think that they would admit to having my nuber changed and being given a dead inmate's number to try and hide me in the prison system,and than once I got out try to kidnap me on the street before anyone found out about me?Do you think that they would admit to knowing that I couldn't work because they honored my profile during my whole prison sentence and I never worked in prison,But claim that I wasn't disable on the street so that the goverment wouldn't know that I was out just because I was writing about them?

What you think they are going to say?

Do you think that they would admit to all that they have done against me and having gotten everyone involved just to keep me from having money or being found out? Like I said before this same thing happened before and was the real reason for Watergate . But they couldn't prove it than are find out who all was involved and people lost their life like the sercurity office that busted the breakin which was a cover-up to frame the President and keep him from being able to do anything as they also tried this time. But they couldn't get away with it this time.

The answer I believe to all of the questions I have asked would more than likely be NO. They can't admit to the truth. Because some was deeply involved in it. And others became involved because of HATE of knowing that a black man would have more money than whitefolks and be known as the richest man in the world and have control.But they are the ones that cut themself short because I am not prejudice. If I was do you think that I would have given away a billion dollar emprovement idea to a European at SCAD to emprove his idea of a motor bicycle that can even emprove the Paddle Taxi .And it's on the market now.I treat all people the same, cause all I see is a human being. Would you be able to tell one dog from another or a bird if it wasn't for it's names? Are not they organs all the same? Do they not eat the same thing as the others do? Is it not that we breathe the same air that you breathe? That what makes us different? Only you! You let HATE override your rational thinking. As they did in the past.Our money wasn't good enough for you to serve us in your restaurant but you are a lover of money,And you depended on us to cook your meal in your kitchen. Now what kind of sense do that make? I'm not calling you anything,you are calling yourself. People financial background is presonal and shouldn't be disclosed unless by them. Banks don't do it so what gives the public the right to do it without you consent.

When It's All Said And Done, Just A Few Questions.

What devil got your tongue?


Monday, October 08, 2007


Remember the past so that you don't repeat it:



Sunday, October 07, 2007


I was watching Our World on 22 or 28 and they was talking about there is a double standard of difference for whites and difference for blacks.The law don't call it double standards the law calls it discrimination.We don't need a movement we need the law to enforce the law.

There is a time and place for everything and the time for movement has pasted. We have equal rights so let us use the law against them.I am not winning against them because of a movement. I am useing the law against them.They can not break the law not even in government.They have denied me the right to an attorney and you think that is lawful.They are discriminating against me and the law will prevail.What is needed now is that we must push them to enforce the law against those that think that they are above the law .And we will stop the discrimination that is going on across this country.The Civil Rights bill is for all humans not one race,or nationality of people.The Civil Rights Bill is a law.There is no double standards going on,it's discrimination plain and simple.They are trying to convert you away from seeing the truth.And the law is not being enforced against discrimination.The Civil Rights Bill is a federal law so go to the federal government and demand it be enforced.So that those that break that law can be punished and prosecuted by law rather it be judge,juror or anyone in any government. Because before a juror can serve on a jury they are asked if they are prejudice and if so they can not serve on a jury. You heard it in the O.J. Simpson case.Because of the Civil Rights Bill there can be no hate or prejudice against anyone because of race,nationality,religion, creed or color. And the federal government has it posted all over even on jobs about it.And it also the Constitution also speaks of it.Justice is blind, and the statue of justice has a blindfold so you know it's in the Constitution.So they must judge without prejudice.We need to use the law when the law is broken against us.We don't need a movement when laws have been made to protect people.The Late Dr.Martin Luther king led the way,Now is the time to move forward from what he has done not try and repeat it." Learn from the past so that you don't repeat it." Jimmy Jones.
The Civil Rights Bill is for all United States citizens.And American Civil Liberty Union stand to uphold your civil rights.

Saturday, October 06, 2007


You know I think the best way to start this would be to reminiscence on the past. I guest Gladys Knight and the Pips did it best with the words of this song called,
"The Way We Were".

Hey you know everybody's talkin' about the good old days
Everybody the good old days
Well, let's talk about the good old days
Come to think about it
As bad as we try to remember
The kind of September
When life was slow and oh so mellow
Try to remember
Than follow
why does it always seem the past is better
We look back and think
The winter were warmer
The grass was greener
The skies were bluer
The smiles were brighter
Can it be the it was all so simple than
Or has time rewritten every line
And if we had the chance to do it all again
Tell me
Would we?
Could we?

Memories like the corners of my mind
misty watercolor memories
Of the way we were
Scattered pictures of the smiles we left behind
Smiles we gave to one another
For the way we were

Oh can it be that it all so simple than
Or has time rewritten every line
And if we had the chance to do it all again
Tell me
Would we?
Could we?
Memories may be beautiful and yet
What's too painful to remember
We simply choose to forget
So it's the laughter we'll remember
We'll remember
Whenever we remember
The Way We Were...

The My Mind Made Machine

Now after hearing or should I say reading the lyrics to that song don't it just make you think of "The Way We Were", back in the days.When things was simple, cars would just get be bent and now they disintergrate,the bumpers fall off and the airbag explode and it can't be reset so the car becomes totaled.Cars than you could drive.Today the automobile is a mind made machine.What use to be optional now comes standard on most automobiles rather you want it or not. Back in the day cars was transportation,today it's a whole new driving experience.It's like getting into the cockpit of an airplane.You got your bluetooth,that's your communication to the towers,ON Star gives you clearance, and a navigational system like you don't know where you are going and can't read signs.Antilock breaks,on board computer system,DVD players,satellite TV/Radio and the list just keep going on.Hell look at the Lexus it even parks itself.And the list keeps on climbing.And it's all standard including that standard sticker price.You might as well go ahead and move in ,you don't need a house.Where would you find the money for that and a home.Where the devil do you work,at The Mint.Cause you got to be making money to afford all of that.Back in the day powersteering, powerbreaks,automatic windows/seats/doorlocks, air conditioning even radoi was optional and that was AM radio.You would pay for what you wanted or could afford.Not today everything is standard.It comes on the car want it or not it's yours and they make the price sound like it's not much when they use the word "Only".Only what? Only if you got it. Only half of what you would pay for a home and some are as high as the price of a home.And this is what gets me,five years warranty or a hundred thousands miles.For the money they should be a life time warranty.because each year it's depreciating.What you paid for it last year ain't worth it this year.We spend so much money in these mind made machine just to get from point A to point B and maybe we may slide around a corner to reach point C.Today's cars you don't need a driver's licence you need a motor vehicle navigational degree.Than you have people that try to buy these marvelous machines and are on foodstamps and renting a house.It's bad when your car is worth more that the house you live in.It's sad,but everybody wants to have some of the good things in life. And you think to yourself, "What a wonderful world".But that was back in the day.We are living in this world with our eyes closed, our ears shut and our minds clogged from the poison that we put into ourselves.We are excepting everything they put out and no one has a say about it.That is communist.Why do we pay more for things that they make complicated and it's going to do the same job? When you want to watch TV you just want to hit a button and it's on. Now when you get a TV you got to program it just to get local channels.And to read the instruction book it's like a foreign language ,you can't understand a thing it's says and you have so much to read just to work the remote.Some people are still trying to figure out how to set the clock on there VCR.And never learns how to preset program to record. Just saying that is confusing.And I think to myself,"What a Wonderful World". Andy Ronney might have said, You'd think somebody would have made something Simple.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007




I can't seem to get people to see what is going on in this city just because I am violated.And the criminal are trying to stop me from being found out because of what they had done in Coffee County Prison to people and also their making of bombs there.They came to Savannnah before I got out and set up camp to get everyone involved by telling lies that the government wasn't going to pay me when they knew the money was in the back since December of 2002.So they used the State of Georgia and CIA to set things up.And now they have gotten into the City of Savannah as I said to take control of the city so that I couldn't get any help.Here is what the Probation Office give to me and told me that Angela got to report every week even though she is paying her right amount of money on time until she catch up. When she was told at first that if she couldn't pay that she would have to report every week.But now they are making it mandatory with payment.I went to Recorders Court Clerk and asked them about the money they she is paying and the told me that no money comes to them because the fine was waived.So all that she is paying is the Probation fee.And they are using the Recorders Court fee for themself as well.Cause Recorders Court as she told me collects there own money.This is what I received.And they have been back into my room to get the conditions of her Probation and how she is to report all because they see through my eyes and knew where it was.
They are getting into City government on their face and using false ID's.Read On Your Face at October 3,2007.


Receipt: 308200,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Date: 10/3/2007
Client : 38603 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,For : CI

Received: Angela R. Chaderton ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Sentence Date 8/16/2007
From : 609 Abercorn St # ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Last Payment
Savannah, Ga 31401 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Base Fine ,,,$50.00
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Prob Officer Lee
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Judge Williams

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Docket,,,,,,,,, Offense ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Remaining
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fee ,,,,,,,,,,,Probation ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fee $528.00
1000111-01 Simple Assault, Public Drunk, Disco, Poss of Dru ,,,,,,,,,,,$40.00

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ,,,,,NASP,,,,,,,,,,,, REMAINING
,,,,,,Payment ,,,,,,,,,Balance

NASP: $0.00,,,,,,,,,,,, $0.00

Current ,Monthly ,,,,,,,,Remaining
Payment, Payment ,,,,,,,,,Balance ,,,,,,,,,Arrea

Fees: ,,,,,$48.00,,,, $48.00,,,,,,,,, $528.00 ,,,,,,,,,$0.00
Fines ,,,,,$10.00,,,, $10.00 ,,,,,,,,,$40.00 ,,,,,,,,,,$0.00
Monitor:,,, $0.00,,, $0.00 ,,,,,,,,,,$0.00 ,,,,,,,,,,$0.00
Other: ,,,,,$0.00 ,,,,$0.00 ,,,,,,,,,,,$0.00 ,,,,,,,,,,,$0.00
Total Paid:$58.00


Monday, October 01, 2007


It's time to stop playing with my life. I am working six days aweek and I just lost every thing that I had in my pocket from it felling out.I am going to tell you and a copy of this will be in Bank Of America.I going to kill anything come out at any of Bank Of America branch until I get my money out of there bank. You can play crazy as if this web site don't exist but the life you save will be your own. Because if I get arrested I control the computer and I will send it around the world what you have done. Don't take me lightly cause I mean what I say. We are going to make you sorry you ever mess with my life.

signed Jamal Saleem Faatih