I was watching Our World on 22 or 28 and they was talking about there is a double standard of difference for whites and difference for blacks.The law don't call it double standards the law calls it discrimination.We don't need a movement we need the law to enforce the law.
There is a time and place for everything and the time for movement has pasted. We have equal rights so let us use the law against them.I am not winning against them because of a movement. I am useing the law against them.They can not break the law not even in government.They have denied me the right to an attorney and you think that is lawful.They are discriminating against me and the law will prevail.What is needed now is that we must push them to enforce the law against those that think that they are above the law .And we will stop the discrimination that is going on across this country.The Civil Rights bill is for all humans not one race,or nationality of people.The Civil Rights Bill is a law.There is no double standards going on,it's discrimination plain and simple.They are trying to convert you away from seeing the truth.And the law is not being enforced against discrimination.The Civil Rights Bill is a federal law so go to the federal government and demand it be enforced.So that those that break that law can be punished and prosecuted by law rather it be judge,juror or anyone in any government. Because before a juror can serve on a jury they are asked if they are prejudice and if so they can not serve on a jury. You heard it in the O.J. Simpson case.Because of the Civil Rights Bill there can be no hate or prejudice against anyone because of race,nationality,religion, creed or color. And the federal government has it posted all over even on jobs about it.And it also the Constitution also speaks of it.Justice is blind, and the statue of justice has a blindfold so you know it's in the Constitution.So they must judge without prejudice.We need to use the law when the law is broken against us.We don't need a movement when laws have been made to protect people.The Late Dr.Martin Luther king led the way,Now is the time to move forward from what he has done not try and repeat it." Learn from the past so that you don't repeat it." Jimmy Jones.
The Civil Rights Bill is for all United States citizens.And American Civil Liberty Union stand to uphold your civil rights.
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