Who do they think you are fooling?
People are working hard to pay the rent for they family. Some people are working two and three jobs just to keep food on the table.And than when you go to apply for foodstamps,they tell you that you make to much money.But you live in a house where the that you make too much money.But you live in a house where the rent is $400.00 dollars a month and you are not on section 8 because there is a waiting list that is about a year.And when come time they may review your case and tell you that you make to much money because they look at your money before your expenses are taken out.And your kids are having problem at school and they need to have a talk with you to see what together you can do to solve the problem.But much as you would like to you can't find the time because people on your job wants you to be there.And you can't risk it or loose your job and you need the money.So you try to talk to your kids at home but it not enough and they think that you don't have time for them and they end up listening to the people in the street.And you are trying to do the best that you can taking care of two are three kids on your own. Because you are a single parent and you don't have time even for leisure.And they say that the economy is doing fine. What the hell are they talking about? The dictionary gives this definition
for the word economy as: Economy- Frugal use of money;the regular operations of nature;due order of things;judicious management.This is politics a bunch of lies.Politic is a personal science ,a pack of lies,(look it up).Who do they think they are fooling?The rich can only tell you about the rich and the poor can only tell you about the poor.If you have never been there,how can you assume that you know?Hear-say is not permissible in court.
I Ain't Through With You Yet:
Kids are having kids and you want to stop that from happening through abortion , pills and imprisonment.That is the reason you give out all the life stopping time to us, this is genocide.Because the blacks out populate the whites around the world.But who's fault is that? You want to sit around and wait on that rich prince that may never come. And when he does come he don't want no kids so you settle for a dog because you want the money.What love got to do with it?The Bible says,
Genesis 9:7
7."As for you, be fruitful and multiply;
Populate the earth abundantly and multiply in it."
Kids having kids and you are forcing them to pay child support when they had to drop out of school just to help their mom foot the bills in the house.But even if they was to live on their own together and take care of there kids it takes to working people in a household to run a house today even for adults.
Let me see if I can do this mathematically for you.Take the average minimum wage today of $6.00 an hour. $6.00 x 8 hours aday = $48.00 aday x 40 hour aweek = $192.00 aweek before taxes. $192.00 x 4 weeks = $768.00 dollars a month before taxes. The average one bedroom house rent cost $400.00 a month. And than you have your utility bills to pay which is steady rising,phone bill, transportion,your clothes your kids clothes school supply and personal hygiene stuff. And you put a man on the street with nothing,but you can't commit a crime because we'll lock you up.That was your plan.
But back to the subject.And foodstamps you may get if they don't tell you that you make to much money.Where is it can you see it?You don't have a bank account you don't own nothing but a used car and you may never own a home for generations to come.And the polticans fault one another for what is going on.They can't see their own faults. But each time the next one thinks that they can do a better job.These are single parents trying to make it in a world that ain't so friendly.
I Ain't Through With You Yet:
And than you have those people that make $100.000.000 dollars or more a year.They are doing fine and are not in need of anything.I guess that is what they mean when they say,"the economy is doing fine".Yea right,as long as the money flows in their pocket.And than they retire and wait on social security and they 10K plan.I wander what the figure would be on a social security check for a person who has made a hundred thousand dollars or more a year all of their life. And they say that social security is going broke.What!Because of the baby boomers or because of those people who has made this kind of money and got plenty of money in the bank more than they could spend in their life time and still have plenty to Will and still yet they want more.They are just greedy and taking from the needy.And they think that they can do a better job. When? We haven't seen a better job done yet.Promises,promises that all we hear.Why make promises if you can't keep them. A man word is his bond.And the people that make that kind of money are mostly whitefolks. Do you see them living badly or in poverty? Just a handful,but they don't want you to have nothing.All the changes that has been going on in Savannah Ga. is the works and approval of Mayor Dr. Otis Johnson. But do you hear them give him credit for it?If bad was what he was doing it would be all over the TV, But when we do good it's kept quit.And this poverty thing they label it as a class of people, when in reality it's a color of people.You refuse to let black people move up in a job because they don't have a high school diploma. But Abraham Linclon was uneducated and was self taught and must have learned the presidency as he went a long.But I guess whites can do that ,On Their Face.
I Ain't Through With You Yet:
I guess some would say, How do he know so much about whitefolks?
Survey Says: The number one answer.
You have been teaching white history for a long time.
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