Friday, April 27, 2007


Ask not what your country can do for you ask what,you can do for your country.

John F. Kennedy said what he would do and did what he said.

What is Honorable?
The Dictionary definition is:
1. in accordance with or characterized by principles of honor; upright:
2. of high rank, dignity, or distinction; noble, illustrious, or distinuished.
3. worthy of honor and high respect; estimable; creditable.
4. bringing honor or credit; consistent with honor:
A. (used as a title of respect for certain ranking government officals)

This whole thing was Huge bigger than Howard was. It started back with the assassination of John F. Kennedy .The criminal grew in government from that time on because no one could find out who they was or what they had done until now. Time changes all things. That which is unknown becomes know in time. As it is said,what you do in the dark will come to the light.
Well after the assassination of John F. Kennedy then it was the assassination Bobby Kennedy, than Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Malclom X,. Then came Jimmmy Jones in which what the Senator was told couldn't reach at that time President Richard Nixon because they kill the Senator. So the warning that was to be told never made it. What it was all about was that there would be prisons built that would become Trojan Horses. Than came The Watergate Scandal in which they had covered up the same satuation because of these poeple being in than the only private prison in Texas. They took someone else through the same thing to keep them from being found out. So they broke into the Democatic office next to the Watergate Hotel and stopped the letter sent there from being found out that someone had written telling the story. And because they couldn't get the system off of the person it was on, they killed them. That is why they didn't want me touched by anyone no matter what I did. And to keep them busy in Washington DC they started Vietnam War then just as they started Iraq War this time with miss information. To keep them busy in Washington DC until they could fugure out away to get to me. Than it was The Contra Scandal in which they couldn't find out where Noriega disappeared too when he was in the U.S. He had disappeared into one of the private prison. And that is the reason that the prison was hiding terrorist in which caused 9/11. So all the criminals from the 60 up to present day had to be gotten that was cause a problem for the government.

And John F. Kennedy name is the one who signed and give me the insurance.

The State of Georgia:

They have gotten mad now that the truth has come out and they have been found out to be lying to everyone and they also are still are harboring those criminal in that so called closed prison. And now they have sent a cut-off note for for my female friend Angela Chaderton lights to be turned off May 1, 2007. She has a letter stating that they are going to not sent May check either. And has added the budget payment into it when it is not on the web to pay the budget payment. The bill is $80.00 for the month they want $170.00 she has been paying it all every month cause I am the one that takes it there in full. And they have also had my phone turned off so that no one can contact me. But if they need to they can call the manager at SRO at (912 )695-6822 he will get to me I still live there, 653-B East Duffy Street.And they had taken over Savannah Electric Company since last summer to do what they are doing to people. The State of Georgia is the one with my system.

Surah 2:44

44. Do ye enjoin right conduct on the people,
And forget (to practise it) yourselves.
And yet ye study the Scripture?
Will ye not understand.

Surah 4:79

79. Whatever good, (O man!)
Happens to thee, is from G-D;
But whatever evil happens
To thee, is from thy (own ) soul.
And We have sent thee
As a Messenger
To ( instruct ) mankind.
And enough is G-d
For a witness.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


(Who ever got my system is the one that see through my eyes and is counteracting everything I do. That was the problem with this in the first place. That is the reason no one would talk to me or Answer my letters. They know who I call and who I have been writing. And the people that I have on this post that I called was called three weeks ago. My life is being wasted away day after day because of my system and what it does. That is the reason they have made the movie (NEXT).It tell the story of what you can do when you know what is going on before it happens .
What kind of people are these? They would risk their career to protect the criminals. The people that was apart of those private prisons are not even from Georgia. They are from Missouri and Texas. They closed Coffee County Prison by removing the inmates but Georgia Central Intelligence is still there being ran from the dungeon of that prison. This is the reason they made Former Gov. Roy Barnes leave because of their plan to close the prison but not let me out of prison. So that they illegal operation of intelligence wouldn't be found out. This is what they was protecting because of the trouble they have caused from doing it. That is why
Cynthia McKinney said that they knew about 9/11 before it happen. They have cars outside of that prison but no inmates to make it look as if it was never closed. To keep their intelligence intact so that they can stay around me and mess with the people that I come in contact with. That is the reason they mess with my female friend check so that I wouldn't be able to pay for my phone. And no one would be able to contact me because they even is hiding my address. The library told me that there was an address on my library card. In hopes that they could get me put out as well. So much so that they had me put my bicycle and my lawn mowers all in my single room with me to make it look as if I wasn't living there. Now my female friend is just waiting to see if they would send her a letter about her check. Housing for her is waiting and so will the electric company cause that is her only income. And because of that they are even paying my phone ,because they have stopped the what she was doing to keep my phone paid and they see through my eyes. These people have been called in the State by me and given my web address,Governor Sonny Perdue (404)656-1776
Regina Thomas (404)463-7784
And in Savannah government---------Mayor Otis S. Johnson (912) 651-6444
It is time that the criminals pay for their crime and not let innocent people pay for what the criminal have done.I have been dealing with this for seven years , three months , twenty days and still counting. I done my time for what ever crime I didn't do. Whitefolk do the crime and black people do the time. It's just like the drugs on the street they bring it to us and we are the ones who neighborhood they come looking for it in. Only to find pity drugs and pity dealers and give us plenty of time. And who do we blame? The ones selling the drugs ,but never the ones bringing it in. And they claim that they are combating the war on drugs. They are helping it to flourish they don't deal with the source of the problem ,themself. The are messing with all the black websites.
Now all this time the money has been sitting in Bank of America and this bank handles the governmnet longshoreman's account.Since November 2002 delivered by the President himself George W. Bush.I like in a room with gasoline and eating sandwichs. I would have settled for my social security but they refuse to pay me that,I am disable. The want to put my female mail friend out because of paint peeling in the bathroom and they claim that it is a health hazard. But me living with gasoline isn't. I have automatically been E-Mailing my website to the President everytime I post a new post. and have been recieving a reply answer. But I can't get nothing but this electonic answer. We really have have a terrorist problem here in America and it caused by the people we elect in government.These people have made an unpresidented f---k up. And they are making me pay for what they have done. Than Black don't stand a chance in this county anymore. And the world will know it. They think that they can plan my life but I will never deal with whites anymore.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


National Hero
Protected by Norad
Also watch the new movie NEXT and figure it out.Why do this movie have the same name as a bicycle. Humm.
I the reason the G-8 Summit was brought to Savannah

The State of Georgia closed Coffee County Prison since 2003. And had started removing all evidence that was in there to try and discredit my story and cover-up since I was writing to them from prison about that prison Coffee County . And the plan to max me out had been put in motion from the begining. Because they give me a gridsheet at Coffee County Prison to do 90% of my sentence the second month I was there.So they maxed me out instead of January 5, 2004 which would be the max-out date since January 5, 1999 is when my time start. They discharged me on January 1, 2004 a day when the State is closed because it was New Years Day. And no one would be in the State to make me public or pay me. They asked me about a week before where did I wanted my ticket for me to go to be and I told them Brunswick Ga, and they wrote it down something they don't do when you are discharging only when you are getting paroled out and you can't be paroled with a year or less. But after thinking what they had told me at D-Ray James prison for them putting these systems back on me, and I quote"They came back so that they would know when I was getting out so that they can kill me when I got off the bus."But I fouled that plan by waiting until I got to the bus station and had them give me a ticket for Savannnah,Ga. And once I got here I found out that they had done turned my family against me with lies so I just left them alone so that I wouldn't cause them any problem because I knew what was going on and they didn't. So I went to Legal Aide and told them my story and they looked for my record and couldn't find one and told me,"That's interesting." And said, that they can help me get a place to stay and I was sent to Grace House. And when they had found out where I went the tried to kidnap me in Forsyth Park by saying that they was the US Marshal but the State knew me as Lloyd Paige and I had already gotten my ID in Jamal Faatih so I had fouled another one of their attempt to kidnap me. So they decided to change my address when I applied for foodstamps from the Grace House to 711 East Board Street so I used that to my avantage that way no one would know where I lived but would be able to contact me because I put my phone number on the web blog.So they had me put out of the Grace House saying that I couldn't prove a thing that I was saying. So for three months I lived on the street since it was March and springtime and I didn't want to be in that kind of prison evironment any longer because it reminded me of prison. So I slept on the street until Legal Aide sued for me to get into housing where I still preside. The State had maxed me out so that they could come to Savannah and build it because they thought that the federal government would make Savannah the Capital since Atlanta was so corrupted. They would come to Savannah and set-up shop and control this city. They was trying to mess up everything that I had planned since it is all in my system in which they have. And that is why they are the ones that is making Savannah grow and is also thinking that Savannah Landing would become the New State Capital. They had no intention to pay me thinking because they had my system and the federal government couldn't find out nothing unless they sent it to them. And they was sending them false information about me because underneath that prison Coffee is what they called GIA Georgia Intelligent Agency which they are no suppose to have and that is why they was moving things out so that the federal government would find out. Because to find out it would be known that they are the ones that sent the misinformation that started the Iraq war.They kept me from have money so that I couldn't leave the City or State and refused to give me medical insurance knowing that I have a heart problem so if I was to die for it no one would get blamed because the State would have covered it up and since they list me as homeless on government documents they wouldn't even let my family know since they had turned them against me. The thing they forgot is that blood is thicker than water. And what they had told them was water under the bridge.(Read October 25, 2005 Entitled What happened to the Mass Graves )The Mass Graves was apart of what had happened at Coffee County Prison that is the reason why they didn't follow up on the story because like I had said this is a murder investigation and those body was under investigation. There was also bodies found in the State Capital in the Correctional Department that is why 130 of them was fired and no one knew why. And they tried to frame the black people that owned the Crematory so that they could use it to burn the bodies that was in the Capital Building that is why that case was never known of even though it made National News. They former Governor Roy Barnes put the head of the GBI Buddy Nix to be the Chairman of the Broad of Pardon and Parole to investigate. In which I wrote to as well (Read July 12,2006 Entitled Request for Indigent Postage)

Monday, April 16, 2007


(Read September 19, 2006 Entitled A Funny Thing Happened)

Friday, April 13, 2007


When this all started back in 1999. I don't mind what was going on because they was only talking to me. But when I was transfered from Coffee County prison and they thought that I knew what was going on and especially after 9/11 they started to torture me.And when they couldn't get Augusta to return me to the private prison.And ever since that time I have been being tortured but they use hate not to verify what they are doing to me. But instead they let people think that I have a mental problem. I couldn't get a lawyer to help me sue even for social security.(Read June 20, 2006 Entitled The Breast Have Revealed It's Self)or(September 9, 2005 Entitled The Response From the Lawyer,Allison Cole). I wrote the President the first time I was being tortured because America was the first nation to have nuclear bomb. So I knew the President have his scientist and would know what these radiated system that are torturing me was all about and what they could do. But yet no one would tell anyone what they was doing to me. YOU USE HATE AS AN EXCUSE TO DO WHAT YOU ARE DOING. And now you have Imus degrading black woman. And for what?Because whites are in power and they feel that whites can do and say what they want to about black people because of them being in power. They can sue him and the station for Defamation of Character. I wrote to all the heads of government and none of them would answer me. If they don't answer me then anyone under them will do nothing and they are the blame. YOU USE HATE AS AN EXCUSE TO DO WHAT YOU ARE DOING. Than if this is to be found to be true everyone who is hating should do time, because hate is a crime and I can prosecute once I get a lawyer to take my offer.
Which I have on this web somewhere of One Billion Dollars to take the case but since it a hate crime whitefolks can't help me.