Wednesday, June 01, 2005


From what I experience and saw in a halogram in Coffee County prison it wouldn't be had for me not to believe that they were not connected.This is the real hidden secret and reason for them trying to make me a mental patient.Believe it or not, it's true life do exist on other planets.Why else would they be there? Where the life is maybe to far for us to reach but not from them to reach us.Yet today we still can't explain how pyramids were built.What I saw was pictures on the floor that move and the people in them would wave at you as if they can see you. Two of what ever you may want to call them I have made a drawing off,you can call them what you want. but it is what I saw in that prison, and no where else but that one.And because I tried to write about the people I saw in costumes they tried to make me a mental patient for the second time,and sent me to Augusta Georgia State Prison Hospial again just before 9/11 happened in 2001.And the first time they sent me was after giving me medicine in 1999.


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