Monday, March 07, 2005

Letter sent to President George W. Bush 1/14/04

Dear President George W. Bush;
My name is Lloyd Paige.I have been writing to you from prison since January 2002, and also I again wrote you in December 2002. I have never recieved an answer from my letters to you,or at that time Gov. Roy Barnes which also recieved two letters from me in February of 2002.He left office with them without answering me.Even after recieving the check for a trillion dollars in my other legal name of Jamal Saleem Faatih in Noverember of 2002.I have been denied my Longshoreman's Insurance that I inherited from my Uncle Raymond Smith who worked as the President of the Longshoremans Hall here in Savannah ,in which he died in the seventies. Over thirty years have pasted and I haven't received my inheritance from the insurance or the safety depostit box in which the deeds of the house is in. I am also trying to get it now.I have been violated in prison the entire five years of my sentence. And I have also maxed the whole sentence out while being violated without a computer record. The sentence or the offense in the first place is a misdemeanor.So I was violated all the way from the courts because I signed a plea bargain and was given a jury trial. All because of federal Insurance in my record I was never told about.I was released from prison New Years January 1,st 2004 ,which was illegal because the State of Georgia was closed.This whole thing is a hate crime that has been against me and my family all our lives. No one in the State of Georgia would answer my letters I have been writing to them in the last two years,not even will Gov.Purdue answer when I wrote to him from prison. My record was taken off the web April 15,2002.And I was placed on three government websites.The Georgia Department of Corrections, The US Department of Corrections and the US Postal Service website. All was done without any notification to me at all.I found it all out through a friend.I should have been made public apond release from prison. So I went to Savannah's F.B.I for help once I got out. But they told me they could'nt do anything ,and I was told by them to get me a lawyer. Which I have done and he is a legal aid lawyer , but he couldn't do must to deal with the government. I was denied help by other lawyers because it's the government and it's a color thing there are only white criminal lawers here.And no one I went to would make me public for the same reasons, color of skin. I came out of prison and my family turned against me because of the lies these people were calling and telling them while I was serving time in prison.I was even told that people were told that I got killed in the prison system, because no one was recieving any of the letters sent to them. Even my wife divorced me and got remarried to someone else because of what they had told her.And that is the reason why I am in a homeless shelter now.I had to apply for food stamps and disability which I'm still waiting on my disability approval. The people that have caused all of the trouble are in Folkston County being held by the(fun computer) they ordered in September of 2002. And as I said before those systems are still on me and around me. They have been trying to get them off since the computer had been sent for. I hope that this letter will bring me relief and an end to all that's been going on.
Lloyd Paige


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