Friday, February 04, 2005


Central State Prison
4600Fulton Mill Road
Macon,Ga. 1/28/02
Dear Gov.Roy Barnes,
My name is Lloyd Paige EF 409414,AKA Jasalfa.I am writing you concerning a problem that I've been having in the prison system since 1999.I have wrote Atlanta Parole Board, The Commissioner of the Department of Corrections,ACLU, Atlanta.Att. Howell W.Ragedale Jr. of can call him and get a copy of that letter.I am a victim of a hate crime in the prison system by Coffee County Prison officals,C.C.A. Correctional Corporation of America.These people are from Texas and they are all haters. My brother and sister have lost there life because of these people,full detail of the story is in the letters that I've sent to the people listed.They have Federal Security System on me.These people from the prison have taken radiation shot that work along with these systems and I can,t get these systems off of me.They ordered a diaphragm to torcher me with.It cause pain to the heart and all of my body. These people are destorying my life.I should be out of the prison system because of what they have said to have done to my brother and sister,and I,m the last survivng member of my family.And my sister's kids are out there and they maybe calling them on the phone with threats and racist names.And now I am there guardian and they are all kids. The weapon they used to kill my people is located at Coffee County Prison,That prison was built with a dungeon. The dungeon is located below medical there is a door in medical that leads to the monitor room.This machine use to be a brainscan machine that has been moderfied.This machine burns a cast on the face and left leg of people.And the machine has radiation in it and have been left unpluged and now the radiation is getting hot and endangering everyone life at that prison.I believe that you need to put some attention to this before everyone in that prison end up dead.They have tampered with my record so that it looks as if I have just started in the prison system.Even my medical profile for my heart,for no work was taken out of my records.There is nothing in my records to say what prison I was in for the past two and ahalf years. Nine people lives are in danger.
Thank You
Lloyd Paige
P.S. Similar letters was sent to 60 Minutes dated April 23,2002 from Phillips State Prison, in Buford, Ga.And another one was sent to them from Smith State Prison in Glennville, Ga. dated July 7,2003. These letters have cause the problem that they have been having at CBS Network with the Executive.It have been under disguise of trying to make a conspiracy against the President George W. Bush so that I would'nt be found out.


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