Saturday, September 30, 2006


From Oxford Dictionary

CONSPIRACY- means 1. a secret plan to to commit a crime or do harm; 2. the act of conspiring.

Friday, September 29, 2006


I have tried to rob the bank they will not arrest me, now if I assault someone it will be there fault.I have tried everything to get some help and I'm being torched and ignored. I have call the Whitehouse comment line about the certified letter to the President and told them that the letter was urgent. I'm tried of what I am going through.They are pushing me over the edge but it will be you who will pay the price. I hope you know what you are doing because if you can stop the system it will be your funeral. And Sonny Puedue was E-mailed.

Thursday, September 28, 2006


This is really begining to be something that government is doing. George W. Bush is generating hatred in this county. It took him five years before he would talk to the NAACP. I have wrote to him four times and two was certified letters and I can't get him to answer.What the United States government do the State governments follow. That is why he is generating hatred in this county.They are trying to take this to the primary elections here in Georgia. But what am I to do when they have already had my life on hold for six and ahalf years. I have applied for Social Sercurity four times and been refused four times I can't live without money I have personal needs too.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


The State of Georgia is hiding the home grow AL-Qaida in Coffee County Prison Dungeon.I speak to a woman there that said she lived there and that it was her home.She also said that she had killed one hundred and thirty -five people and that she came from Cuba with three others. The entrance to that dungeon is a shed behind the prison that would lead into the dungeon. And the State and all was there partying for the Christmas of 1999 and they thought that I knew what was going on because they was told about my insurance. That is the reason that I am being attacked by the State. And now they have been having connections in Washington to stop Certified mail because the green card came back today saying that the letter was recieved on September 22, 2006 and USPS web tracker said it was recieved September 18,2006. The green card was stamped only The Whitehouse rubber stamp again. So we are fighting a war that should be fought right here at home because this is where the terrorist are and the State of Georgia is hiding them at Coffee County Prison. And they are causing the crime that is going on in Savannah because they are building more prisons and they must be more private prisons because they can't build State prison with tax payer's money and haven't informed the public. Now if you think that my story isn't true than let's go to Coffee County prison and find that shed in the woods. They cause the war to keep the heat off of that prison.That is where miss information came from the State of Georgia. And I have been under attack by them ever since I left Coffee County Prison. And they have been getting everybody involved with a promise of being paid,It's alie. Even the Personal Care Home where I once volunteer was called by the State and they let me know that it was the State and what was said. That is why at the Presonal Care Home I was paid one hundred dollars a month,because the State told them that I was going to get paid but they didn't want me to leave Savannah for my protecttion,which was a lie.They didn't want me to get out of the State to expose them. And that is the reason why I couldn't get my driver's license so that I couldn't leave. Or have any money. Go to and put this tracking number in for yourself 700051820000542358840 and hit Additional Details and you will see that it don't say that it was delieved back, but it's back still no answer so where is the terrorist in Atlanta.


The State of Georgia is hiding the home grow AL-Qaida in Coffee County Prison Dungeon.I speak to a woman there that said she lived there and that it was her home.She also said that she had killed one hundred and thirty -five people and that she came from Cuba with three others. The entrance to that dungeon is a shed behind the prison that would lead into the dungeon. And the State and all was there partying for the Christmas of 1999 and they thought that I knew what was going on because they was told about my insurance. That is the reason that I am being attacked by the State. And now they have been having connections in Washington to stop Certified mail because the green card came back today saying that the letter was recieved on September 22, 2006 and USPS web tracker said it was recieved September 18,2006. The green card was stamped only The Whitehouse rubber stamp again. So we are fighting a war that should be fought right here at home because this is where the terrorist are and the State of Georgia is hiding them at Coffee County Prison. And they are causing the crime that is going on in Savannah because they are building more prisons and they must be more private prisons because they can't build State prison with tax payer's money and haven't informed the public. Now if you think that my story isn't true than let's go to Coffee County prison and find that shed in the woods. They cause the war to keep the heat off of that prison.That is where miss information came from the State of Georgia. And I have been under attack by them ever since I left Coffee County Prison. And they have been getting everybody involved with a promise of being paid,It's alie. Even the Personal Care Home where I once volunteer was called by the State and they let me know that it was the State and what was said. Go to and put this tracking number in for yourself 700051820000542358840 and hit Additional Details and you will see that it don't say that it was delieved back, but it's back still no answer so where is the terrorist in Atlanta.


The State of Georgia is hiding the home grow AL-Qaida in Coffee County Prison Dungeon.I speak to a woman there that said she lived there and that it was her home.She also said that she had killed one hundred and thirty -five people and that she came from Cuba with three others. The entrance to that dungeon is a shed behind the prison that would lead into the dungeon. And the State and all was there partying for the Christmas of 1999 and they thought that I knew what was going on because they was told about my insurance. That is the reason that I am being attacked by the State. And now they have been having connections in Washington to stop Certified mail because the green card came back today saying that the letter was recieved on September 22, 2006 and USPS web tracker said it was recieved September 18,2006. The green card was stamped only The Whitehouse rubber stamp again. So we are fighting a war that should be fought right here at home because this is where the terrorist are and the State of Georgia is hiding them at Coffee County Prison. And they are causing the crime that is going on in Savannah because they are building more prisons and they must be more private prisons because they can't build State prison with tax payer's money and haven't informed the public. Now if you think that my story isn't true than let's go to Coffee County prison and find that shed in the woods. They cause the war to keep the heat off of that prison.That is where miss information came from the State of Georgia. And I have been under attack by them ever since I left Coffee County Prison. And they have been getting everybody involved with a promise of being paid,It's alie. Even the Personal Care Home where I once volunteer was called by the State and they let me know that it was the State and what was said. Go to and put this tracking number in for yourself 700051820000542358840 and hit Additional Details and you will see that it don't say that it was delieved back, but it's back still no answer so where is the terrorist in Atlanta.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Now it been almost six years that I have this system on me and being tortured by these people that are in Coffee County Prison dungeon by their system. Everything that is being paid to me I made the money from my inventions and business ideas and alot of my invention will never be known of as me doing to lessen the hate. Because I have send a certified letter to the President George W. Bush and it was mailed on the September 09, 2006 at 12:55:17 PM and was recieved in Washington DC at September 18, 2006 at 2:55 AM. Now this is the forth letter that I have sent to the President one was answered,which was certified as well.And that same letter was sent to the Justice Department. And everytime I make a post on this website it is automatically sent to the President E-mail address in Washington, DC Now if this was something that you wanted to tell the President about a Terrorist act ,we would be in trouble, because what is going on is a terrorist act in government so everything I have said even 9/11 must be true.(Read February 28, 2006,Entitled Injustice is Just--Us, The African American)(Feburary 22, 2006,Entitled The Money is in the Bank)(March 07, 2005 Entitle Letter Sent to President George W. Bush 1/ 14/04) (Feburary 04, 2005 Entitled Letter to Goverment Continue) (July 15, 2005 Entitled The Answer to the Certified Letter to the President) (The Answer from the U.S. Department of Justice from the same Letter).(March 01, 2006 Entitled To the Mayor of Savannah ; Otis Johnson) So they will not have to worry about me messing with whites for anything because they are to dangerous to mess with. I have seen to many times that happen to blacks that mess with whites, their history speaks loud and clear for itself and now they are making it public as they do it. It is best that we keep our distance. Not Stereotyping just being safe.

Monday, September 25, 2006



G-d's Messengers said,

"There are three signs of a hypocrite; when he speaks he lies;
when a promise, he breaks it;
and when he is trusted, he betrays his trust".(Agree upon)'Abdullah bin 'Umah



450 MALL BLVD * SUITE C * SAVANNAH, GA 31406-4864* (912) 351-3511

Jamal Saleem Faatih
711 E. Broad Street
Savannah, Ga 31401
Febrary 14, 2005
SSN: 256-84-5579 00
Case# 1192583


We recently sent you a letter on behalf of the Social Security Administration, scheduling a medical appointment, at no cost to you, pretaining to your disability claim or the review being conducted on your disability status.


George L. Miller III PSY D Wedneday , March 16, 2005, at 09:00 AM
408 E Bolton Street
Savannah, GA 31401-5920

912- 447 5530 (Please call this number for directions if needed)

(Read December 08,2005 Entiltled Is it the State of Georgia or The United States Government)

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


I saw a European male the other day that had a bicycle that he had put a weed eater motor on to make it go faster,I think he was a SCAD student. I asked him about it and he told me that it -the motor was to make the bicycle go faster without so much man power.I throught that it was a good idea and so I improved it with a 4.5 HP motor it would be perfect for the paddle wheel taxi.This is his idea and he has full credit for it. Glad to be of help. This can also be made electric to eliminate noise.

Monday, September 18, 2006


You know no one was talking about torcher until I wrote the President George W. Bush about it in January 12, 2002 and when I wrote the Governor Roy Barnes.(Entilted The Letters to Head of Government February 04, 2005). I was the first to talk about it and they started torching the Iraq people and even American Civil Liberty Union the Prison Project had an article on it in (August 03, 2005 Entitled Check Out What ACLU has to Say--Under Prisoners Rights).And now it all a big issue but no one is talking about me and I'm still being torched electonically.And now my niece is preganant and I falsifiablily had to verify that I pay and take care of her and her bills because she also don't have a record medical or otherwise.Now today this is what ACLU has on the web URL:http:/
ACLU Condemns U.S. for Failing to Uphold Civil and Political Rights (6/20/2006)

Report Documenting Abuses submitted to the U.N. Human Rights Committeeand Release on Nation Day of Action

NEW YORK---The American Civil Liberties Union today release a report to the U.N. Human Rights Committee condemning the U.S. government for failing to comply with it's treaty obligations to protect and preserve a range of human rights protections at home and abroad. Drawing attention to some of the most vulnerable members of society, icluding woman, children, minorities, immigrants and the accused, the ACLU offered detailed recmmendations to bring the U.S in line with universally recognized human rights standards.
"America should be a beacon of freedom throughout the world, not a county that violates the basic human rights of it's own people," said Ann Beeson, Associate Legal Director of the ACLU.

The report, Dimming the Beacon of Freedom : U.S. Violations of International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights,documents the U.S. record on human rights in five areas: National security, woman rights, racial justice, immigrants rights and religious freedom.

Go to the website and read more.


You know no one was talking about torcher until I wrote the President George W. Bush about it in January 12, 2002 and when I wrote the Governor Roy Barnes.(Entilted The Letters to Head of Government February 04, 2005). I was the first to talk about it and they started torching the Iraq people and even American Civil Liberty Union the Prison Project had an article on it in (August 03, 2005 Entitled Check Out What ACLU has to Say--Under Prisoners Rights).And now it all a big issue but no one is talking about me and I'm still being torched electonically.And now my niece is preganant and I falsifiablily had to verify that I pay and take care of her and her bills because she also don't have a record medical or otherwise.Now today this is what ACLU has on the web URL:http:/
ACLU Condemns U.S. for Failing to Uphold Civil and Political Rights (6/20/2006)

Report Documenting Abuses submitted to the U.N. Human Rights Committeeand Release on Nation Day of Action

NEW YORK---The American Civil Liberties Union today release a report to the U.N. Human Rights Committee condemning the U.S. government for failing to comply with it's treaty obligations to protect and preserve a range of human rights protections at home and abroad. Drawing attention to some of the most vulnerable members of society, icluding woman, children, minorities, immigrants and the accused, the ACLU offered detailed recmmendations to bring the U.S in line with universally recognized human rights standards.
"America should be a beacon of freedom throughout the world, not a county that violates the basic human rights of it's own people," said Ann Beeson, Associate Legal Director of the ACLU.

The report, Dimming the Beacon of Freedom : U.S. Violations of International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights,documents the U.S. record on human rights in five areas: National security, woman rights, racial justice, immigrants rights and religious freedom.

Go to the website and read more.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


In the name of G-D, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

254. O you who believe, spend out of what We have given you before the day comes in which there is no bargaining,nor friendship, nor intercession. And the disbelievers---- they are the wrongdoers.

255. Allah (G-D) ------ there is no g-d but He, the Ever-living, the Self-subsisting by Whom all subsist. Slumber overtakes Him not, nor sleep. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth. Who is he that can intercede with Him but by His permission? He knows what is before them and what is behind them. And they encompass nothing of His knowledge except what He pleases. His knowlegde extends over the heavens and the earth, and the preservation of them both tires Him not. And He is the Most High, the Great.

256. There is no compulsion in religion----the right way is indeed clearly distinct from error. So whoever disbelieves in the devil and believes in G-D, he indeed lays hold on the firmest handle which shall never break. And G-D is Hearing, Knowing.

257. G-D is the Friend of those who believe--- He brings them out of darkness into light. And those who disbelieve, their friends are the devils who takes them out of the light into the darkness. They are the companions of the Fire; therein they abide.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


It really is sad that people who call themselves intelligent human beings would treat another human so cruel and unjust,when justice is blind and can't see the color of skin. But in American society people are being judged by the color of there skin,when it should be contents of their character.Wake-Up people we are living in the twenty-first century.But we are acting as if we got lost in time and is living in the stone age.The proof that I have given speaks for it's self.For the last two and ahalf years I have been living at SRO and the first year I had to pay my rent without having any income, fifty dollars a month I had to pay. And they knew that I didn't have any income because my firends was their to verify that they would pay my rent of fifty dollars and they also paid my deposit at that time.So now that they Housing Authority of Savannah pays all of my rent they refuse to send me a letter for last year or this year verifing that they do pay my whole rent.And I told the H.A.P Inspector W.Thomas Chamberlain 235-5813 Ext.224 in which I called him this morning about it but I only got his answering machine ,and is waiting for him to return my call.The only thing that I did get from them last year was a print out .I had to get proof that they paid my rent for Curtis Cooper Health in order to file for Medicaid and this is what was put on it.

To Whom It May Concern:

The Housing Authority of Savannah pay all of Mr. Faatih's Rent.

S. Lynn Mobley
Section 8 Manager
235-58844,Ext 109

This is frustrating to leave someone life open for games.For fear of man they are afraid to even talk to me.It is a cowardly act.I have the orginal Last Will and Testament that my Uncle made Raymond Smith.But if I was to try and borrow money against the home they wouldn't even let me do that. But they tell lies against me to make me look as if I'm the evil one when from the proof hear the truth speaks for it's self who the evil ones are ,I don't have to falsify it.I have been getting Food Stamps now for two years starting in January 2004 and I'm still getting it. (So read for yourself the proof of the evil ones. (Sept.21,2005 Entitled Section/8 HUD)
(February 13,2006 Entitled The Suit to get in Housing).(February 13,2006 Entitled Paperwork) (April 04, 2006 Entitled Enough is Enough) (June 12, 2006 Entitled Imprison in Georgia.)

I can nolonger ride my bike because I need a back rim and I have no money to get one so as I started in the begining I'm back to walking.