Whitefolks are dangerous when they get into trouble and be in government.They think that because they are in government they can use the government as protection.This would have never happened to a white person this long without them being able to live their life.I have been treated like a slave given free housing and fed with foodstamps.And they use hate as an escape goat. Look at Deep Throat he investigated Watergate and no one they claim knew who he was.Now how much of that can you believe?And than they made him public as I was writting about Watergate and no one has messed with him.There is alot of BS going on here.They use my ideas and was planning on setting Obama up because of what I had put on an advertisement that was on MySpace by American Cancer Society useing Barack Obama with the title Access to Health Care.And it stated:Current Discussion Topic:
If you could talk with Presidential candidate about America's health care crisis, what would you tell them?What would you ask them to do? And I replied just like this.This was just for Barack Obama to use.But soon after I put it on they took it off so that no one would see what I had wrote so that they could set him up with it,saying he got it from the web.
What is needed to provide insurance for everyone?
Posted on 11/14/2007 at 12:34 PM - by Jamal Saleem Faatih
What is needed to have insurance for everyone is an insurance like Aflac that travels with you from job to job. And that you can pay yourself rather you are working or not it goes where you go. This will solve the problem of healthcare for all America.
They have been using what I have been putting on the web to set up candidates that are the frontrunners nationally.They are trying to get their Ronald Reagan,McCain or Giuliani.They have used Hillary Clinton by having her to say "Famous but unknown"which was talking about me.And having her to call black people Negro to make it look as if they are hating.And talk about change when they know no one was talking about change but me on Barack Obama campaign.And they had plan to use what I said about insurance so that Aflac would say that Obama used there idea.Now I wonder what happened to "She say,He say". They tolok that off and probably is using what I said in it somewhere.
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