When government becomes so corrupt that they are unable to function by the law.That constitute change.Here I have been violated all of my life because of insurance given to my uncle by the United States Government in the 60's by John F. Kennedy.So that if government was to become too corrupt there would be something in the public to destroy them since governments can't investigate themselves.So I was violated all my life because these insurance.It pays one million dollars a year which was never paid even to my uncle.In which I inherited because it is also a Will.Because of government being so corrupt during that time he was not allowed to use the insurance.So I and all of my family was insured by it,me being the youngest of the family inherited it.It was hated against all of that time because of whites in the government.So how can there be change in government when the feels of those that are there are still going to be the same?So the only way to bring change and get the corruption out which has been there since the 60's is the changing of the guards.You can't bring change if you are the ones that can't stop hating.The State of Georgia was the original government that was under siege.They had been infiltrated so much that the infiltrators was all over the prison system and the government itself.And I'm into such a big government conspiracy because of the prison being a federal prison contracted out to the private sector.Which is illegal because of privatization was never passed.If someone was to die in my family today I wouldn't be able to attend there funeral because I don't even own a suit or could afford one.And I wrote the State of Georgia and told them what they told me to tell them which was in Governor Roy Barnes letter that the brainscan machine was left unplugged and that they needed to do something about it or they would be sorry.Because radiation was leaking from it because it had been modified.And now that they have done nothing and have been trying to cover it up the town of Nicholas,Georgia is radiated and radiation clowns appear in that town.This is not a hate crime because hate crimes start and stop.What is going here is a terrorist act by government because terrorist acts continues to go on,look at Iraq and Afghanistan.It's so much corruption going on and hatred in government until they are saying that McCain and Giuliani are the frontrunner's.And they are looking to see which one will become the next Ronald Reagan.Ronald Reagan is the President that had praised the private prison when it was just one in Texas.I can't be touched by no one in government from Federal on down to the smallest government.Because I am caught in the middle of a government conspiracy.And from the way I have been treated is an assassination attempt on my life by government that is why I can't be touched by them.I have been denied health insurance,driver's license and even money. And have been trying to hide me by keeping me from being found out on other websites so that they could get to me and kill me off. If it wasn't for my system that I invented to protect, I wouldn't be alive to write about it today.And I know they hate it.Now don't this constitute change,a change of the guard?
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