What make a crime an adult crime? From my understanding a crime is a crime no matter who commits it or how old they maybe.Is there an elderly crime?Yet they have a saying that"once a man and twice a child."But I don't see no elderly people going to court and being tried as a child.Yet in still we are calling crimes that are committed by kids that are under the age of 21 years of age depending on the nature of their crime they committed an adult crime. Making them as kids by age be tried as an adult.There is a double standard going here when that same kid can't go into a store and buy alcohol or cigarettes without proof that they are of the age to buy it.Why is it that they don't use that same practice in court to prove that they can't be tried as an adult because they are under age? A teenager is just what it says,a teenager.You can't grow them up before they are of the age to become an adult.They go into the military straight out of school and if they come home before or be on leave and is under the age they can't get alcohol or cigarettes in a store.It would make no difference if the drinking age was lowered because they are still teenagers by living or less than a teenager, you can't change that.And even if you lower the age for alcohol you would have to lower the age from cigarette as well.But it still wouldn't change their status.And we have done that before and brought it back to 21 to be the legal age.So have we also with the speed limit.This is what they call the flip-flop.Check out the video on youtube,
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