Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Read my blog on and you tell me.Go the blogs and put in jasalfa.



Tuesday, September 25, 2007


I have been telling you that you was listening to the criminals ever since I started this blog back in 2004.But no one seems to have been taking me serious than,so now the criminals have deceived you and gotten into city government and made you think that you all of white in government will become rich if you go along with their proposal.Well they set you up really good as they did to Atlanta.The are stealing your tax money.By privatizing government businesses.Privatization was never pasted by Congress.And here is proof that they are stealing your money.Why would the City be getting less the then the private probate company that they contracted out to when they have their own probation office on Abercorn Street Savannah Probation 607 Abercorn Street.


101 N.Fahm Street
P.O.Box 1826

Report every 1th Mon every month Next visit Sept.03.07
Date 0820 , 2007 Fine And Probation Fee Payments
To:Angela Chaderton Are to be made promptly on due
Date by money order only.No
Cach or personal checks accepted.
From: Probation Supervisor

Re: Reporting Instructions/Payment Schedule
You were placeed on Probation in Recorders Court of Chatham County on 0816,2007
under the provisions of Georgia Statewide Probation Act. You are therefore directed to report to the above address on 0820,2007 b/w 8:00-5:30 am/pm. failure to report at this date and time will be violation of one of your Conditions of Probation,"Report to the Probation Officer as Directed...".If you fail to report as directed,a warrant for your arrest will be issued.
You were ordered by the Court to pay the following amounts:
2 Money Orders
Basic Fine $________
Court Cost $________ 1. Professional Corections Services $48.00
Total Fine $50.00
Restitution $_______ 2.Recorders Court of Chatham County $10.00

You are directed to pay this amount at the rate of $10.00 per month beginning on
0903,2007. You also have a probation fee which is $48.00 per month for as long as you remain on Probation, unless this fee was waived by the Court as a part of your sentence.Therefore,your total monthly payment to the Probation Office is $58.00.

PROFESSIONAL CORRECTIONS will accept only MONEY ORDERS. You must have two money orders. The first money order is payable to Recorders Court of Chatham County for your fine payment. The secord money order is payable to Professional Corections in the amount of $48.00 for your Probation Fee. The payments are made monthly when you report to your Probation Officer. The accounting office is open from 8:00 am until 5:30 pm Monday through Friday.

Failure to pay your Court ordered monies is a violation of your Probation, and this will lead to your arrest and return to the Court. However, you should always report to your Probation Officer even if you do not have your money.You may explain why you are not paying as directed at that time. Under no circumstances is there a reason not to report to your Probation Officer, as directed.

Your Probation Officer is April Lee. Ask for her when you report to the office or call.

If they can lock you up because you can't pay,than it's not about you staying out of trouble and reporting on time when you are suppose too. It's all about money and for her the Courts had waived all the money.

They are taking tax money and white in the City government are using it to build Savannah Landings when they will be the owners of it and they are using SCAD as a coverer-up to be doing everything so that the public would think that what is happening is Savannah is all SCAD doings.

I had wrote on Forsythe Park center walkway about a week ago.And have called Savannah Police and told them where to find was was there at this police number (912)652-6500.They remove it the first time so yesterday evening they started messing with me again by messing with a Motorola phone that I have which I get service from Hargray with it.This is what made me write on Forsythe sidewalk the first time because they switched my service to Verizion which made me had to go to Hargray to get it right. And again after doing that they did it again and after I wrote on the sidewalk the switched it back to Hargray and early this morning they removed what I had wrote on the sidewalk yesterday evening think they could make me put it on a Monument thinking that I would be arrested.

This is what I wrote the first time and they removed.


And yesterday evening I wrote in the same place I had the other one.


I took a picture of the first one and each time I call the police so that they would see it.

Thursday, September 20, 2007


This is still going on because of CIA power.They was still trying to overthrow the government of the United States The Watergate Crew form their own CIA at Coffee County Prison and they all became involved.The Watergate Crew is based in Coffee County prison.When I first got to Coffee County Prison I couldn't believe what was going on.Inmates was being fed buffet style all you can eat and they fixed their own plate as in a restaurant.The store for the inmates never was needed. The place is built rich and more secure than any maximum security prison, cameras are everywhere even in the dormitories.And every door is operated from Central Control no keys are used.The CIA Watergate Crew built it and housed it as their place of operation and hideout.They got the State of Georgia involved when it first started by getting them to frame somebody and cover it up. That person was Wren Williams. They the Atlanta Journal and Constitution published that the head Chairman and another person of the parole broad was making $ 100,000,000 a year and the other person $ 88,000,00 a years and may have to come back and stand trial that was in 2002.And they was growing larger State by State so they wanted control of California. So they had to do the same thing to get them involved so that no one can say anything about what they do. So they picked O.J. Simpson, they had him framed using the key machine to make a key to that house knowing all the time that if no one knows what is going on O.J. would never be able to prove himself.That is the reason the dog in the neighborhood barked.When you are a regular person in or around a neighborhood a dog will not bark at you because he knows your scent. So that they California could become apart of it the Watergate CIA. And now they are trying to get Las Vagas because of the money there so they are using O.J. Simpson since they have people believing that he is guilty it wouldn't be hard.And they came here Savannah to get Savannah apart of it because they had to try and stop me from busting them out,but it don't work. So they used they signature tactic to do it again as well.So Jennifer Ross became a victim and they had to frame another black again and cover it up to become a part of it.And they was all given the promise of becoming richer than they ever imagine.Woe to those who give their soul for the things of this world life.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Sim Cards are for tracking and it also gives the government information of who you called and where you are.Sim Card are used in TracFones and in other cell phones that you use on accounts.You must have a landline to activate a Sim Card phone.They have shown you that they can track you by your phone on TV and in the News.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Moved from September 4,2005

At at Bay Street and between River Street here in Savannah I have discovered useing Cobra a long lost Library dating back to about the 1800.It sits underneath the River Walk and Bay Street at the end part near East Board Street entrance. There is one entry to it and what appear to me to be windows.The next discovery is something that we all will be glad to hear Cobra has found oil; mean I'm in the oil,and gasoline business.


Okay, let's get down to the real nitty gritty. Now everyone knows that my phone number is in the index of my web blog.But yet not a soul has called me to talk about it.And ever since I've been writing even in prison in which the indigent form prove of the people I wrote in prison no one has answered me yet in any government even locally. The Chief of Police was hand delieved a copy of my blog in 2006 Berkow.I also give a copy to be give to the Mayor Otis Johnson in 2005 by the security officers at City Hall and has even e-mailed him. The State of Georgia Gov.Sonny Purdue was E-Mailed my blog when he had And now I realize that that main ones behind this is Sonny Prudue and all of the rich bitch mothers of Georgia all because of they family or firends that had ownership in those prisons.Because the federal government has every last person ownership papers of the owners names that owned those prisons across this country. They know that I found oil and they don't want a black person to take there power because of their money.They think that money gives you power. If that was so than the Arabs are the richest nation on earth.Because it's not the money it's the oil.When we had oil they had power and now the Arabs are the ones with the oil and they want control of it so that they can regain there power.Because every where American Forces are there is oil.When we had oil gas was cheap.And now that we don't ,but we do, cause I found it on American soil they are making everyone suffer because they can't do anything with it because it belongs to me alone and that makes me as rich as getting that 40 acres and a mule with interest for every black in America.And they is 450+ years and counting with interest. And they would rather get rid of me so that they can have it all.That is why they will not pay me when the check of a Trillion dollars has been in the Bank of America since November of 2002 in Atlanta.And the Savannah Bank of America Branch downtown branch verifed it in 2004.So since you all are involved into this they can just give me my money keep their precious power and kiss my you know what.And let's keep that quiet. Than I beleive we will all have peace cause I don't have to live here either.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007



Monday, September 10, 2007


You know people today are following the way of the devil and not even questioning what the devil is doing by making G-D Laws become excepted as being bidden what is forbidden.Would you let someone come into your house and change the rules of your house when you know that what you have laid down is the right way and what they bring is the wrong way? Then why do that with your religion? The devil wants you to reverse the Laws of G-d and except his way of doing what G-d has forbidden to be done.Halal-meaning permissible and Haram- meaning forbidden.The devil wants to separate you from your religion so that he can get you to except his way of life.So he use government that which control the mass to do it.The separation of State and Church.
And now they can make you believe that same sex marriages are right to do.When in the Bible it says.

1 Timothy 1:6-10

6.For some men,stray from these things,
have turned aside to fruitless discussion,
7.wanting to be teachers of Law,even
though they do not understand either what they
are saying or the matters about which they
make confident assertions.
8.But we know that the Law is good, if one
uses it lawfully,
9.realizing the fact that law is not made for a
righteous person,but for those who are lawless
and rebellious,for the ungodly and sinners,for
the unholy and profane,for those who kill their
fathers or mothers,for murderers
10.and immoral men and homosexuals and
kidnappers and liars and perjurers,and
whatever else is contrary to sound teaching.

The devil tell you that when a men comes into the world some of them are born homosexuals. That is a lie when you can look down on yourself and see that you are male or female your genitals will tell you the truth.So men invents a lie against


Surah 10:69

69. Say: "Those who invent
A lie against G-D
Will never proper".


Surah 7:81

81."For ye practise your lusts
On men in preference
To women:ye are indeed
A people transgressing
Beyond bounds".


1 Corinthians 6:8-9

8.On the contrary,you yourselves wrong and
defraud. You do this even to your brethren.
9.Or do you not know that the unrighteous
will not inherit the kingdom of G-D? Do not be
deceived;neither foricators,nor idolaters,nor
adulterers,nor effeminate,nor homosexuals,


Surah 42:30

30.Whatever misfortune
Happens to you,is because
Of the things your hands
Have wrought,and for many
(Of them) He grants forgiveness.


Romans 12:14-21

14.Bless those who persecute you,bless and do not curse.
15.Rejoice with those who rejoice,weep with those who weep.
16.Be of the same mind towards one another;do not be haughty in mind,
but associate with the lowly.Do not be conceited.
17.Don't repay anyone evil for evil to anyone.Respect what is right in the sight of all men.
18.If possible,so far as it depends on you,be at peace with all men.
19.Never take your own revenge,beloved,but leave room for the wrath of G-D,
for it is written,"Vengeance is Mind, I Will Repay,"
says the Lord.
20."But if your enemy is hungry,feed him,
and if he is trirty,give him a drink;
for in so doing you will heap burning coals on his head."
21.Do not be overcome by evil,but overcome evil with good.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007


You know nobody attacks other people's religion in the world but America.They don't even mention it.Less more try to prove that your religion is an evil one,only in America.They hold nothing as being sacred.Is not your religion sacred.
I was watching TV Sunday and I saw someone trying to mislead people about Islam.If you are not going to tell truth about it.It's best not to say anything at all.Because you can't cover the truth with falsehood.

They use an ayat of Qur'an and they make it look as if its evil what it is saying.
For one thing they try to make people think that the G-D that the Muslims pray to is a different G-d from that inwhich the Christians pray to and it's not.There are three monotheistic religions in the world and they all believe in the same G-d. Those religions are Islam,Christianity and Judaism.Monotheistic meaning_ believing that there is only one G-d.Polytheistic meaning_worshiping or believing that there is more than one god or worship of idols.

When we say Allah we are only speaking of the One True G-D.The Spirit, that which you can not see.Al_meaning The, ilah_meaning G_D.
They mislead people when they use parts of ayats (verses)such as Surah 9:29 where it says.

29.Fight those who don't believe in G-d but are worshipers of the devil nor believe that the devil end will come.

And then they mislead you by using that partial ayat.And in they own words they try to make you think that G-D is telling them that killing anyone is okay because it will get them into Paradise.That is untrue.

What Surah 9:29 is saying is: Fight those who don't believe in G-D but are worshipers of the devil and his ways,nor believe that the devil days will end.

And again they take partial ayats like Surah 9:111 which says:

111.Allah (G-D) hath purchased of the Believers
Their persons and their goods;
For theirs (in return)
Is the Garden (of Paradise):

What the devil try to make you believe is that G-D tells mulisms to kill for no reason anyone even themself so that they would get Paradise in return.Which is another untruth.

What Surah 9:111 really say is:

That if you are a believer in G-D,than all that G-d has given you should be used to fight in the way of righteousness against evil.(defend what is right)And Paradise is guaranteed you for defending against the devil.This is Jihad,this is Armageddon the struggle that the people in the world is fight today.Defending what is right and forbidding what is wrong to continue to thrive.


Surah 5:32

32.On that account: We ordained
For the Children of Israel
That if anyone slew
A person--unless it be
For murder or for spreading
Mischief in the land--
It would be as if
He slew the whole people:
And if anyone saved a life,
The life of the whole people.
Then although there came
To them Our Messages with Clear Signs, yet
Even after that,many
Of them continued to commit
Excesses in the land.

Is it wrong to fight in the way of Truth,
In the way of Allah,
In the way of G-D.

Against wrong,
Against falsehood
Against demonic belief
That there is no G-D and that man came from monkeys,something with a tail.
Than where is your faith?

The Bible says:

Revelation 3:10

10.'Do not fear what you are about to suffer.Behold
the devil is about to cast
some of you into prison,so
that you will have tribulation
for ten days.Be faithful until death, and I will
give you the crown of life.

What this is saying is:

Don't give up your faith because of what the devil may put you through.He will test your faith.( G-D speaks of aday as being a year).And I am going on almost ten years of the devil's tribulation and he is testing my faith by how long I can endure.
Be faithful, fight until death against the devil if you are true believers of G-D. And He will give you the crown of life.

G-D Guarantee you Paradise.

Is not your religion Sacred enough for you to fight for it?