Tuesday, September 04, 2007


You know nobody attacks other people's religion in the world but America.They don't even mention it.Less more try to prove that your religion is an evil one,only in America.They hold nothing as being sacred.Is not your religion sacred.
I was watching TV Sunday and I saw someone trying to mislead people about Islam.If you are not going to tell truth about it.It's best not to say anything at all.Because you can't cover the truth with falsehood.

They use an ayat of Qur'an and they make it look as if its evil what it is saying.
For one thing they try to make people think that the G-D that the Muslims pray to is a different G-d from that inwhich the Christians pray to and it's not.There are three monotheistic religions in the world and they all believe in the same G-d. Those religions are Islam,Christianity and Judaism.Monotheistic meaning_ believing that there is only one G-d.Polytheistic meaning_worshiping or believing that there is more than one god or worship of idols.

When we say Allah we are only speaking of the One True G-D.The Spirit, that which you can not see.Al_meaning The, ilah_meaning G_D.
They mislead people when they use parts of ayats (verses)such as Surah 9:29 where it says.

29.Fight those who don't believe in G-d but are worshipers of the devil nor believe that the devil end will come.

And then they mislead you by using that partial ayat.And in they own words they try to make you think that G-D is telling them that killing anyone is okay because it will get them into Paradise.That is untrue.

What Surah 9:29 is saying is: Fight those who don't believe in G-D but are worshipers of the devil and his ways,nor believe that the devil days will end.

And again they take partial ayats like Surah 9:111 which says:

111.Allah (G-D) hath purchased of the Believers
Their persons and their goods;
For theirs (in return)
Is the Garden (of Paradise):

What the devil try to make you believe is that G-D tells mulisms to kill for no reason anyone even themself so that they would get Paradise in return.Which is another untruth.

What Surah 9:111 really say is:

That if you are a believer in G-D,than all that G-d has given you should be used to fight in the way of righteousness against evil.(defend what is right)And Paradise is guaranteed you for defending against the devil.This is Jihad,this is Armageddon the struggle that the people in the world is fight today.Defending what is right and forbidding what is wrong to continue to thrive.


Surah 5:32

32.On that account: We ordained
For the Children of Israel
That if anyone slew
A person--unless it be
For murder or for spreading
Mischief in the land--
It would be as if
He slew the whole people:
And if anyone saved a life,
The life of the whole people.
Then although there came
To them Our Messages with Clear Signs, yet
Even after that,many
Of them continued to commit
Excesses in the land.

Is it wrong to fight in the way of Truth,
In the way of Allah,
In the way of G-D.

Against wrong,
Against falsehood
Against demonic belief
That there is no G-D and that man came from monkeys,something with a tail.
Than where is your faith?

The Bible says:

Revelation 3:10

10.'Do not fear what you are about to suffer.Behold
the devil is about to cast
some of you into prison,so
that you will have tribulation
for ten days.Be faithful until death, and I will
give you the crown of life.

What this is saying is:

Don't give up your faith because of what the devil may put you through.He will test your faith.( G-D speaks of aday as being a year).And I am going on almost ten years of the devil's tribulation and he is testing my faith by how long I can endure.
Be faithful, fight until death against the devil if you are true believers of G-D. And He will give you the crown of life.

G-D Guarantee you Paradise.

Is not your religion Sacred enough for you to fight for it?


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