Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Okay, let's get down to the real nitty gritty. Now everyone knows that my phone number is in the index of my web blog.But yet not a soul has called me to talk about it.And ever since I've been writing even in prison in which the indigent form prove of the people I wrote in prison no one has answered me yet in any government even locally. The Chief of Police was hand delieved a copy of my blog in 2006 Berkow.I also give a copy to be give to the Mayor Otis Johnson in 2005 by the security officers at City Hall and has even e-mailed him. The State of Georgia Gov.Sonny Purdue was E-Mailed my blog when he had And now I realize that that main ones behind this is Sonny Prudue and all of the rich bitch mothers of Georgia all because of they family or firends that had ownership in those prisons.Because the federal government has every last person ownership papers of the owners names that owned those prisons across this country. They know that I found oil and they don't want a black person to take there power because of their money.They think that money gives you power. If that was so than the Arabs are the richest nation on earth.Because it's not the money it's the oil.When we had oil they had power and now the Arabs are the ones with the oil and they want control of it so that they can regain there power.Because every where American Forces are there is oil.When we had oil gas was cheap.And now that we don't ,but we do, cause I found it on American soil they are making everyone suffer because they can't do anything with it because it belongs to me alone and that makes me as rich as getting that 40 acres and a mule with interest for every black in America.And they is 450+ years and counting with interest. And they would rather get rid of me so that they can have it all.That is why they will not pay me when the check of a Trillion dollars has been in the Bank of America since November of 2002 in Atlanta.And the Savannah Bank of America Branch downtown branch verifed it in 2004.So since you all are involved into this they can just give me my money keep their precious power and kiss my you know what.And let's keep that quiet. Than I beleive we will all have peace cause I don't have to live here either.


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