Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Date: Thu, 24 May 2007 13:12: 23-0700 (PDT)
From: "jamal faatih">
Suject: Of Very Importance:
To :
cc: "jamal faatih">

Dear Mayor Otis Johnson,
I Jamal Saleem Faatih aka Lloyd Paige have been trying to get in touch with you since 2004. it is about what is going on in Savannah Ga. and why they are claiming to be the government are building in and around the city.Now I'm going to make this short because I have given this to Michael Berkow about the first of the year and has recieved no answer yet it was on the web but it's not now.And the detectives that talked to me and said they had the investion computer never answered me either. And the Boardof Education even have it because I took the blame for the Bomb threat.But I will tell you like it is that these people are the ones that tried to take your life nad you think they care about you. Play with them you will end up dead. Believe it or not. They have my life on hold even the President of the United states and Congress are trying to ignore what has happened because there was about One Hundred and twenty-five people killed over time at that prison. and these criminal has been in the governement since the 50's. and the State of Georgia can't be trusted. how could they when none of them can answer a man who has no record and got to pay cash for everything? even ATT has a promotional thing for free connection and they give me a credit check there is no record so it will take a hundred dollars to put the house phone on. All of my records have been slandered medical was why they took my records in the first place because of slander. Now since no one seems to want to help me I will start to help myself I'm going to start a bank robbing shree and anyone can get in. because if you all are going to continue to be criminal than you can't do nothing to anyone else. So read this carefully I maybe come a modern day bank robber. Am tried of being the good guy it don't seem to want to pay. I hope no one force me to do them harm because i will nolonger let anyone stand in my way. i would rather be dead than to live life like this because of white people's crime .

this is my website address


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