To The President George W. Bush:
Moved from January 4, 2007
Dear Mr President,
I have sent two certified letters and numerous e-mail and no one has had the audacity to send me an answer to any of them. Leaving my life on hold with no understanding of what to do are how to get my life together without a social sercurity number to obtain any financial or medical help. I first sent a certified letter to you in January of 2004 and was answered February 25, 2004.This is the answer that I received (Read July15, 2005 Entitled The Answer to the Certified Letter to The President). The purpose for writing the certified letter is because I went to Bank of America in downtown Savannah on the square at that time and I talked to the manager of that bank and told her what was going on. And she looked it up in their computer and verified that the money was there. And than I was asked who give it to me and I told her The President George W. Bush. So her response was to get a letter from you and she would give me my money. But I wasn't sent the letter that I needed because of this system being on me and these criminals that are behind them are the only ones that tells me what the computer that they have in Coffee County Prison is doing and the information it is giving.They are counteracting everything that I do because they see everything that I'm doing. I can't understand, that if this is a hate crime why is it that whitefolks even have the system. It's not a hate crime it's just made to look that way because they was paying people to keep it quiet and not talk to me, or allow me to have legal counselor. Because I have all of the proof that was gathered and given to me in prison to prove everything. Paying people off is getting widespread here because it also happened in the Jennifer Ross case. They paid a known crack head and two convicted felons to testify against the accussed. You can't pay anyone to testify against anyone in Superior Court especially when they have felony records. I'm still waiting 653-B East Duffy Street.
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