Monday, May 21, 2007

E-Mail Sent To The President George W.Bush

Moved from September 8, 2006
Date: Fri,8 Sept. 2006
From "jamal faatih"
Subject: A matter of Importance
cc: "jamal faatih"

Dear Mr. President George W. Bush,

Getting right to the point no disrespect intented. But I have been patiently waiting for six and ahalf years on money for being violated in the prison system and it don't cost the American tax payers one cent. Now I'm being left to be treated any way that these people who are suppose to be investigating want to treat me because they are all white.I can't get one cent even if I tried to borrow money on my home because the Bank of America has given the safety deposit box to the State of Georgia with the deeds in it.But I have the orginal Last Well and Testaimony of my Uncle Raymond Smith that was the President of the Longshoremans Hall here in Savannah.That I'm sure you been knew about because of the Insurance that has been used.My life was alot better before I went to prison. Now because I've been violated in the prison by the government I'm being Branded. I can't get nothing and I'm living a life of Hell. Now I'm also going to send another Certified letter to you and if it is no answer than I will go to the Muslims and see what they can do. Because we do stand for good and forbid evil even if it's against ourself. I can't get health insurance so that is also a treat against my life. I did time for nothing and is still doing time on the street because I don't have my freedom to live my life. or Jasalfa on Google Search it's all there. My phone number has been on this web all the time and no one has called me yet. It's a Hargray I believe they have it Blocked.

Jamal Saleem Faatih


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