Monday, December 04, 2006


It's not hard to see that this city is conspiring along with the State of Georgia against me.Mark Taylor made public that his political career was over starting the day he lost the election. But we will see when January comes he still has his website neither website has government addresses And Governor Sonny Perdue put up a personal website just so that I would e-mail my website to him. He is in the government and there is no government on that e-mail address.(Read April 13,2006 Entitled Entitled Tax Payer's Dollars). And (October 25,2005 Entitled State of Georgia).They think that they are smart ,well they out smarted themself because the investigation computer is linked to the federal government. The State of Georgia is the ones that have been denying me medical insurance when they know that I have a heart problem.(July 29, 2005 Entititled My Heart Specialist that gave me a no work profile).And the reason for the profile is because I had severe chest pain, to the point that they have to put dye into my artery to see if there was a blockage.And because of that I was given the profile because it cause me to have shortest of breath,and I can't lift anything over 15 pounds.So what they are doing by refusing me social security and medicare. They are waiting around like bizzards for me to die because they can't kill me.And you see on the news that governments will kill you, the ex-spy and all the CIA of Watergate was killed.Don't take my word for it check it out for yourself ,go to google search and put in Watergate scandal.The State of Georgia was trucking in illegal drug into the City of Savannah useing government trucks to do it. So that this city would become infected with drugs in the black neigborhood and make blacks look like they are nothing but criminals.The thing is, is that in order for drugs to get into our neigborhood it must first come from the whitefolk,we don't have that kind of money if we did we wouldn't be living in poverty.Do that make any sense to you?(December 1, 2005 Entitled News Flash Partners with the Criminals).They have no intention of paying they have even recertified me for foodstamps for six more months.(September 22, 2006 Entitled Foodstamp Verification (Edited)


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