In everyone's life there should come a time at least once or twice in a year that we give thanks to just being. If nothing else that you was blessed to wake-up and see another day.Or for the very breath you breathe that gives you life.Because it don't belong to you, me or are anyone else.This air is of the spirit of G-D.You suck it in ,you blow it out it just won't stay in you mouth,as the song goes.We live each day worrying about where this is coming from where am I going to get that from.When little do we forget that G-d put us here and he will provide.He provide for the baby that comes out of the womb for two years on it's mother's breast milk.And all the thing that are in the heaven and earth are for us to enjoy.Have you ever looked up into the skies and seen the masterpiece that G-D has created.Did it ever occur to you why is the sky there and why doesn't it not fall.We take for granted the birds the trees and all living things as if there could never come a shortage of none.We have been drifting further and further away from the truth.And when the truth comes we find it hard to except because we have lived the lie for so long until the truth hurts so much that we refuse the except it.No one can make you except the truth you must be the one seeking the truth before you can find it.No man can bear the burden of another.Be thankful for another day of living and give to all if nothing but a smile.This is charity.No matter what your belief you should never have so much pride that you can't give one another a happy holiday greeting. Of course at one time the bible spoke of us as being one people.But he had separated us and changed our language so that we wouldn't understand one another. Happy Holidays to all and to our Military Forces
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