Whoever of You sees an Evil
It is sad what is going on in America today. Evil is trying to come to power. And it can't because the world was created of good.So evil will always take a back seat to good. No one can ever change that no matter how hard they try. Now they think that by keeping something going and trying to keep blacks from having anything . They are showing power by trying to destroy the black kids life while they are young so that when they grow up they wouldn't be able to do anything because of them useing their juvenile records against them. Well that is illegal, juvenile records can't be held against against them it is the law. They use juveniles records against blacks to keep them from voting so that that would win the majority votes of whites. They did the same thing with me and was violating me all my life and now they are trying to just max it out since they will nolonger be able to mess with me or my family anymore. That is the reason why my records are falsified because what is there are really juvenile records. They have been abusing their power for a long time. They are now loosing power because of what they had done in Coffee County Prison by creating a mutation. In other words trying to physically create a devil by useing radiation. And they hate that they got found out and want to take it out on me by continuing to mess with my life by keeping something going. When actually there is nothing really going on.No one has ever messed with me only the people around me and involved in this. And they use that to keep me from have anything until they all leave government. That is abuse of power especially when it puts someone life on hold for this long almost eight years. Power is not gained by the color of skin or how much money you have, it's gained by the content of your character.
go to google search and type in
abuse of power
Evil in the Legal System
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