Friday, July 29, 2005

Information given to me from the Department of Public Safefy in Savannah

Safety Responsibility:
Driver must present proof that bond has been posted or a release obtained from court.I showed them my discharge papers.$25.00
Violation Date 7/9/98
Person to Call
Mary Miller (678)413-8400 Conyer ,GA.) (678)966-9792
And this is what she has on the web;
Plaintiff Mary A. Miller & Associates LLC. /dockets
Names:Jamal Saleem Brightwell and Janice Faatih
State Court
Judge Honorable H. Gregory Fowler

Thursday, July 21, 2005

E-mail Sent to the President George W.Bush

Date: Thu,21 Jul 2005 10:25:12 -00700(PDT)
From:"jamal faatih"
Subject: contact the President GEORGE W. BUSH;

Dear Mr.President,
By now I am sure that you know who I am, being that you took my history record off of the web nationwide while I was in prison system here in Georgia and have refuse to give me any kind of financial assistance.I have been patient for far to long being that this system is still on me and they can't get it off.I have maxed out of the prison system on a five year sentence for a traffic violation and now I've been in the street for a year and seven months and there are at least a hundred and twentyfive people that are my firends or family that are off of record because of me.And because of that,we are all financially messed up as well and they are all crying on my shoulder for help and I can'tdo a thing for nobody not even myself because of this system on me.I can't even get a driver's license because they mess that up as well. i have been giving information to the local TV stations here and I can't get them to talk to me,no one has ever talked to me.what is on this website(, is beging to make the governments that have violated me look really bad. when I'm the one that is paying the price for government crime.Ireally don't understand how can a Unitied States President can let this continuously happed to someone that has not done anything to anybody.i have been slandered and all doing the time while I was serving time in prison everyone has been messed with by these crooks,And I am still being torchered.Ihope that you recieve this e-mail and a copy will be on the web. I hope that you will resolve this problem soon before someone loosethere life. By the way I have been trying to get social sercurity ever since January of 2004. and have been denied twice already, I have filled out papers for reconsideration which i was told would take 120 days they have the medical profile and everything from the Doctor that is on the web the time for the 120 days to end is August 15, 2005.
Jamal S. Faatih 256-84-5579

The White House
Phone Numbers
Comments: 202-456-1111
Fax: 202-456-2461

Thursday, July 14, 2005



Wednesday, July 13, 2005


Rove, He is the reason my certified letter never made it to the President George W. Bush in January of 2004.He is the inside man underminding the President. Because he is trusted by the President.And claims to be the mastermind to the President's reelection,which is a lie. Because his reelection was base on ideas I give over the system. Rove must have had access to the computer sent to the President for protection to carry it though, are was dealing with the CIA.Because what was said was that they need the deal with the truth and not use politics. Because the people want to hear the truth and not make false promises that may not be kept. And that is exactly what got him back against all odds.Dealing with the truth.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

The Conspirators Are,And the way it is;

The Conspirators are D.R. Hamon ,The Billionaire 1-800-DR-HAMON.That was the phone number that he/himself give me at that time at Coffee County Prison.And Frazier the most powerfulist man in the government talked to me at D-Ray James prison. The D&R in Hamon may stand for D.Ray Hamon.The money that the government is paying me is what I will make from my invention so the government is getting away without paying me a dime.Because it is so much money until for centuriers I would never see the government's money.So all of this is just how Whites can fuck with people, when in government.The system that is on me is my computer and it was sent from Gateway to an address in Coffee County. Gateway was here in Savannah when I got out but they had it closed down because of the computer so that I would'nt be able to get it.The computers is my security system because I am protected by the government of the United States of America. It is my invention and because of what it do they refuse to give it up.And is torturing me by satilite.I have been being tortured since December of 2001 I wrote the F.B.I in Atlanta many letter about the torture and they was recieving all of my letters until September 2002 when the computer was sent.Than my letters was returned. Even from Americian Civil Liberty Union the Prison Project in Washington DC.What has happening to the freedom of the press. Or, are we being dictated to and can only report what they let us.Because from the information that is on this web makes everyone a conspirator to the crimes the have been done.The Dr. that I have put on the web have proof of what they are trying to do.The State of Georgia at Phillips prison have X-rays to prove I'm being tortured.It all being done by satilite.And now they have locked up my son again for child support after I have give them the web hand delievied to his caseworker if anything happens to him everyone can end up paying for it.They already have kill my stepfather at the nursing home he was in.The nurse told me when I called him last year that he was doing fine before he went to the Dr. And told me after he died that he died from a contageous dease.And his death certificate came back because there is no records and he was in the Military,Sidney A. Jone is the funeral home.His name was Willie Jones Sr. They can't get this system off of me.