Monday, November 06, 2006


If you want to know anymore about Jasalfa and rather or not I got paid. Log on to my profile and read THROUGH THESE EYES. I will be letting you know when I get paid, so no one will be lied too. Or checkout JASALFA on google search .

Thursday, November 02, 2006


Well it looks as if this whole thing is still going on. We may not only have insurgents, but we have inserters too. These are poeple who put falsified documents into government. And now they need to shred them out. Like you will read about these paper pushers in the certified letter to the President and what ACLU said Washington was doing.Now let's read this from the begining as i have put it together.
(Read June 15, 2004 Entitled The Untold Story of Watergate ),( March 7, 2005 Entitled Letter sent to President George W. Bush 1/14/04), (-July 15, 2005 Entitled The Answer to th Certified Letter to the President), (July 15, 2005 Entitled The Answer from the U.S. Department of Justice from the same Letter),( July 13, 2005 Entitled The Inside Man )
Now what has been going on is unpresidented I was denied Social Surcurity four times.
(Read July 6, 2006 Entitled Standing Up for Right) Also (April 4, 2006 Entitled Enough is Enough )
Now I have contracted an infectious disease and I need money again to fill the prescription.Now what are they going to do now. They ignored me before but they can't now. Because this is something that they don't play with.this is a matter of life or death.



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Sunday, October 22,2006
Personal Responsibility

Before retirement,I was an probation officer in Georgia's correctional system.Jasalfa's blog derides the Georgia Department of Correctionals for murders it supposedly committed- at institutions in which Jasalfa was incarcerated-without Jasalfa giving any proof surh atrocities took place.Jasalfa goes on to state that he has contracted Governor Perdue's campaign about issues he feels relevant to himself and that he has not received a reply from the governor or his staff.

First of all, the governor's re-election website plainly states that replys are not possible in every instance. The website is not an avenue for venting personal grievances but rather for the submission of ideas to improve the state's government and it's responsibilities for and to the people of Georgia. i didn't see anything in Jasalfa's posting that was or is suggestive toward effecting affecting the state's response inre it's responsibility to the citizens of Georgia.

Secondly, without specific and concrete examples of specific cause of Jasalfa's disability, I doubt the efficacy of his arguement for state support. Why does he deserve to have the poeple of the State of georgia suport him? What is his disability and how did it occur? Has Jasalfa appled for SSI and, if so, what was the Social Security Administration's response?

thirdly, why was Jasalfa housed in Georgia's prison system? it is the court of the 49 plus jurisdictions of Georgia that sentence people to prison, not the state government in and of itself. What is the offense to which Jasalfa pled guility or was found guilty by a jury and thus the offense for which he went to prison?

If Jasalfa was in fact abused while in prison,was such abuse documented in his permanannt file by his prison counselor and was any such report of abuse followed up on by the appropriate investigative agency, i.e. Internel Affairs, Georgia bureau of Investigation, FBI?

Jasalfa should address his concerns to the Commissioner of the Georgia Department of Corrections. If he does, he will get an appropriate reply.

This was written exactly as they wrote it, the spelling is their's.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


The dictionary gives the meaning of Revelation as:
1. the act of revealing or disclosing; disclosure
2.something revealed or disclosed,esp. a striking disclosure, as of something not before realized.

3.Theology. A manifestation of divine will or truth.

a. G-D's disclosure of Himself and His will to His creatures.
b. an instance of such communicationed or disclosure.
c. something thus communication or disclosure.
d. something that contains such disclosure, as the Bible.

Revelation is sent down from G-d to man in dreams by the Angel Gabriel
I recieved in my dream what was going to happen to me in a dream that I had when I was about seventeen years old. I was being torchered in that dream and it took me along time to get paid. And I believe that Dr. Martin Lurther King's dreams is to become a reality as well. Just like the wheel and everything else that man has done had to come to him in a dream first before it was made reality.

There are only three monotheistic religions , Islam, Christianity and Judaism.
Monotheistic -meaning the belief in One G-d
Polytheistic -meaning the belief in more than One G-D

So you see that what the Muslims , Christians and the Jews believe in are all the same when they practice their book in it's original and true state.

For example the Opening Prayer for Muslim at all affairs is:

Al-Fatihah: The Opening

In the name of Allah the Beneficient, the Merciful

1 Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds,
2 The Beneficent, the Merciful,
3 Master of the day of Requital.
4 Thee do we serve and Thee do we beseech for help.
5 Guide us on the right path,
6 The path of those upon whom thou hast bestowed favours,
7 Not those upon whom wrath is brought down, nor those who go astray. Amen

And the Opening Prayer once was for all affairs for the Christians was The Lord's Prayer

Matthew 6: 9-13

9 "Pray ,than ,in this way:
'Our Father who act in heaven,
Hallowed be Thy name.
10 Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven.
11' Give us this day our daily bread.
12 'And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those whose trespass against us.
13 'And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.[ For Thy is the kingdom the power and the glory forever and ever .Amen.]'

All Praise is due to G-D